Garry Cook appreciation?


Well-Known Member
27 Dec 2009
One of the most interesting aspects of another brilliant interview by our chairman Khaldoon was how he described the contribution to our recent success by Garry Cook.

He stated that Garry had done a "phenomenal job" and that he was proud of what he had accomplished. We are all aware that Garry had his "moments" in the early days of the new regime but I believe that it is now time for us all to recognise, as Khaldoon has done, the massive contribution he has personally made to the success of our club both on, and particularly, off the field. His connections locally, nationally and internationally have greatly assisted in placing City to the forefront of the football and commercial world.

None of us fans truly know the full extent of what happens behind the scenes but clearly, Khaldoon does, and I for one am more than happy to support his judgement. This is a man, by all accounts, who works 24/7 for the benefit of City whether on the football front, stadium development, working with the council on improving and developing the surrounding areas, supporters club meetings, City in the Community etc.

I have actually met Garry on a couple of occasions and like many other posters on this site, have been hugely impressed with his warmth, attitude and total commitment to our club and its fans. He appears to have been a little reclusive of late but I really hope that he can be persuaded to join in Monday's parade and celebrations in order to allow us to demonstrate our gratitude for his undoubted contribution to our long awaited and deserved success.
Bluemoon115 said:
No, it's been decided that Khaldoon makes all of the popular decisions, and Cook makes all of the unpopular ones.

Haha, good one..funny as Cook is acting chairman.

But I don´t really know what Cook is supposed to do except sign stuff. I always had the feeling that Cook is expected to profile us in the US for example while Abu Dhabi handles the MENSA region.
maineroadman said:
One of the most interesting aspects of another brilliant interview by our chairman Khaldoon was how he described the contribution to our recent success by Garry Cook.

He stated that Garry had done a "phenomenal job" and that he was proud of what he had accomplished. We are all aware that Garry had his "moments" in the early days of the new regime but I believe that it is now time for us all to recognise, as Khaldoon has done, the massive contribution he has personally made to the success of our club both on, and particularly, off the field. His connections locally, nationally and internationally have greatly assisted in placing City to the forefront of the football and commercial world.

None of us fans truly know the full extent of what happens behind the scenes but clearly, Khaldoon does, and I for one am more than happy to support his judgement. This is a man, by all accounts, who works 24/7 for the benefit of City whether on the football front, stadium development, working with the council on improving and developing the surrounding areas, supporters club meetings, City in the Community etc.

I have actually met Garry on a couple of occasions and like many other posters on this site, have been hugely impressed with his warmth, attitude and total commitment to our club and its fans. He appears to have been a little reclusive of late but I really hope that he can be persuaded to join in Monday's parade and celebrations in order to allow us to demonstrate our gratitude for his undoubted contribution to our long awaited and deserved success.

yes top man - for a brummie
I like him, yes he makes mistakes and gaffs but you can tell his heart is in the right place and he probably has a lot more about him than people give him credit for.
Don't know much about the main aspects of his job and performance and I doubt that (m)any on here do either.

I do know that, more than anyone I can recall being associated with the club he has been on a constant drive to be viewed as a "top bloke". The "met him and bought me a drink, LEGEND" stories are rife and seem to be doing a good job with many of automatically ensuring that he is viewed as briliant at his job.

The one aspect of his job that I do feel I know enough to comment on is that he is constantly, almost excessively, always banging on about how much he appreciates the loyal fans but the last two years have seen a raft of ongoing decisions that can only be construed as being designed to replace those same fans with a different and higher spending demographic.

Therefore, I wish he would just shut up, stop the glad handing and get on with it.

It is obvious that he can only justify his position by driving up revenue streams hugely (even those like ticket schemes which hardly make a dent in FFP) so I would prefer he gets on with it without the contradictory sound bites and the sustained personal PR campaign.

Not a popular view, especially with the "he bought me a drink" mob, but the only opinion I feel informed enough to form.

Couldn't care less about the foot in mouth gaffs really. Not important in the scheme of things and those who give him grief for them are barking up the wrong tree imo.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Don't know much about the main aspects of his job and performance and I doubt that (m)any on here do either.

I do know that, more than anyone I can recall being associated with the club he has been on a constant drive to be viewed as a "top bloke". The "met him and bought me a drink, LEGEND" stories are rife and seem to be doing a good job with many of automatically ensuring that he is viewed as briliant at his job.

The one aspect of his job that I do feel I know enough to comment on is that he is constantly, almost excessively, always banging on about how much he appreciates the loyal fans but the last two years have seen a raft of ongoing decisions that can only be construed as being designed to replace those same fans with a different and higher spending demographic.

Therefore, I wish he would just shut up, stop the glad handing and get on with it.

It is obvious that he can only justify his position by driving up revenue streams hugely (even those like ticket schemes which hardly make a dent in FFP) so I would prefer he gets on with it without the contradictory sound bites and the sustained personal PR campaign.

Not a popular view, especially with the "he bought me a drink" mob, but the only opinion I feel informed enough to form.

Couldn't care less about the foot in mouth gaffs really. Not important in the scheme of things and those who give him grief for them are barking up the wrong tree imo.

Would it be fair to say you have trust issues?

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