Garry Cook - Clueless

if i was the sheik and reading this forum, after pouring hundreds of millions of pounds into a football club which was close to oblivion.

I might be tempted to tell you fucking whinging moaning bastards to fuck right off, and put my money into the a club were the fans might be a little more grateful
badge said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Still no answers to the questions put forward?

And who has asked for a cut in prices? Who has asked to be 'kept'?

(Although, if you want to talk about being 'kept' then I assume you are going to explain to me why the fans are the only people at the club adjudged not to be pulling their financial weight at this time? No? Again, you can't explain it and make no effort to)

I am asking why the fans are the only people worse off?

How difficult is it to get that?

(I've just deleted from here a sentence about how of course the only priority of someone who lives on the other side of the world will be for the team to win everything and how the fan's treatment won't be an issue. Even I realise how badly and crass that comes across and how it doesn't take into account personal circumstances I can have no idea of. But from my position and faced with that last post, it is an easy, but snide comment that seems tempting to make when someone who presumable isn't going to the match is lecturing others on how they should pay whatever it takes to make the team win - especially when that payment is having absolutely no bearing on whether the team wins whatsoever)

and i'm asking you, what you think is a fair price for your season ticket!

we're talking about a five percent increase in the last two years. completely fair as far as i'm concerned.

In relation to other football clubs, the current and new prices are probably fair enough.

In relation to the real world and virtually every other form of expenditure in life, football prices are ridiculous.

But again, what that has to do with the reasoning behind this decision, I don't know.

Still not answered why the fans are the only people deemed to need to pull their weight more or told me what this decision is going to allow the club to do that it couldn't without it.

I don't expect answers, so I am off.<br /><br />-- Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:03 pm --<br /><br />
grim up north said:
if i was the sheik and reading this forum, after pouring hundreds of millions of pounds into a football club which was close to oblivion.

I might be tempted to tell you fucking whinging moaning bastards to fuck right off, and put my money into the a club were the fans might be a little more grateful

Loving that black and white thinking you have there
guvnors son mcfc said:
I was one of the ones who bothered to complete the on line survey which has proved to be the biggest sham and smokescreen of all time.

There is no way that this decision has been based on our feedback. I am sorry but to make a decision of such magnitude so soon after the survey suggests that the decision was made months ago.

This is a business decision that has been based on stats and the fact that we cannot sell out the third tier. I am disgusted with this and if this is the shape of things to come then we will soon be treated like our neighbours "old" fans were treated to make way for the day trippers and band waggon jumpers.

Correct. I filled that shit in too thinking that the club cared about our opinions. Instead it was a spreadsheet 'model' justification exercise. They clearly do not care at all and JMA's OP is a brilliant summary which eloquently expresses the frustrations of many many City fans tonight. Shoddy unthinking treatment of fans who have backed this club through thin and thin. I too have misguidedly backed GC until this farce. Not any more.
grim up north said:
if i was the sheik and reading this forum, after pouring hundreds of millions of pounds into a football club which was close to oblivion.

I might be tempted to tell you fucking whinging moaning bastards to fuck right off, and put my money into the a club were the fans might be a little more grateful

JohnMaddocksAxe said:
No, I am asking why, when everyone else associated with the club is doing very nicely, financially, from the circumstances, the fans - the one group who are most financially stretched, if you watch the news - are the only people who are being asked to increase their financial commitment.

Are you going to be the person to have an answer for that?

Whilst you are at it you might also want to answer what on Earth, at a club happy to run such a massive loss, this price rise (and associated disruption) achieves for the club other than an insignificant (next to other figures) increase on the balance sheet?

I won't hold my breath.
the club is happy to run at a massive loss? 5% of s/t revenue is insignificant? next to what? sky money? or just the owner's backing? a million quid or whatever being insignificant..... that's really a rather warped view. I would rather hope that every penny counted more now than ever. I've been led to believe city are looking to cut out as many agents and skimmers as possible.

I wouldn't expect the owners and management to be careless with any outgoings, and the same goes for revenues. rich people don't throw their money away, the statistics say they manage it far more effectively than the poor. partly because they can budget and can use their reserves to generate long term economic gain. I would hope if they spent money with no intention of seeing an economic return, it would be with a specific aim, be that social or whatever. I would hope they did not do throw it away, say it was insignificant. That's what the really disgusting rich people do, those who truly have no idea of the value of money, who are not only ignorant of how it could be used elsewhere, they just don't care. I don't want us to be anyone's 500m ego trip. that would be profoundly distasteful. I still have some concerns, but the Abu-Dhabi crew don't seem to be like that.

marco had it on another thread IMO. the long term solution to the problem of making this club bigger yet less reliant on hand-outs... is to turn single regulars into people who bring families. to bring through as many young fans as possible, so they spend as much of their money on city as possible. and they bring their friends. who bring their families. and eventually they all bring their kids. who bring their friends. and so on. generating more fans. I'd say that's a pretty acceptable vision of the future for most existing S/T holders. better than relying on tourists, or corporates.
I don't have a problem with the increase in my ticket price.I'm not flush,but I am realistic.Maybe this is a "gesture" on behalf of the club to say "look guys-we're pouring hundreds of millions in here,you know we can afford it but we think you should give a percentage back to us."

Daft,but possible.Maybe they've agreed to give the percentage difference to the council,to put back into communities across Manchester-who the hell knows?

No-my issue is with the goon who thinks that it's okay to bomb out an entire stand full of fans and force them to relocate,with virtually zero notice or apparent concern for the issues and difficulties it would create for them.

That is,dare I say it-the sort of arrogant bollocks we expect to see from those in Stretford.It's hard enough to get fans through the doors at is,without forcing them into a "put up or shut up" situation they've had no consultation about.

I would say to Gary Cook that for all the "man of the people,top bloke,he bought me a pint" stuff he tries to propogate,that this is a major PR disaster on his part.
No wonder the club were "defending" themselves from the moment this was officially announced this morning.

Imo,Gary Cook is a foot-in-mouth,blundering liability.

Up to now,his silly outburts have cost noting more than a little embarrassment.

This time,it could be a lot more.
RBmk2 said:
I don't have a problem with the increase in my ticket price.I'm not flush,but I am realistic.Maybe this is a "gesture" on behalf of the club to say "look guys-we're pouring hundreds of millions in here,you know we can afford it but we think you should give a percentage back to us."

Daft,but possible.Maybe they've agreed to give the percentage difference to the council,to put back into communities across Manchester-who the hell knows?

No-my issue is with the goon who thinks that it's okay to bomb out an entire stand full of fans and force them to relocate,with virtually zero notice or apparent concern for the issues and difficulties it would create for them.

That is,dare I say it-the sort of arrogant bollocks we expect to see from those in Stretford.It's hard enough to get fans through the doors at is,without forcing them into a "put up or shut up" situation they've had no consultation about.

I would say to Gary Cook that for all the "man of the people,top bloke,he bought me a pint" stuff he tries to propogate,that this is a major PR disaster on his part.
No wonder the club were "defending" themselves from the moment this was officially announced this morning.

Imo,Gary Cook is a foot-in-mouth,blundering liability.

Up to now,his silly outburts have cost noting more than a little embarrassment.

This time,it could be a lot more.

Toally agree
bizzbo said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
No, I am asking why, when everyone else associated with the club is doing very nicely, financially, from the circumstances, the fans - the one group who are most financially stretched, if you watch the news - are the only people who are being asked to increase their financial commitment.

Are you going to be the person to have an answer for that?

Whilst you are at it you might also want to answer what on Earth, at a club happy to run such a massive loss, this price rise (and associated disruption) achieves for the club other than an insignificant (next to other figures) increase on the balance sheet?

I won't hold my breath.
the club is happy to run at a massive loss? 5% of s/t revenue is insignificant? next to what? sky money? or just the owner's backing? a million quid or whatever being insignificant..... that's really a rather warped view. I would rather hope that every penny counted more now than ever. I've been led to believe city are looking to cut out as many agents and skimmers as possible.

I wouldn't expect the owners and management to be careless with any outgoings, and the same goes for revenues. rich people don't throw their money away, the statistics say they manage it far more effectively than the poor. partly because they can budget and can use their reserves to generate long term economic gain. I would hope if they spent money with no intention of seeing an economic return, it would be with a specific aim, be that social or whatever. I would hope they did not do throw it away, say it was insignificant. That's what the really disgusting rich people do, those who truly have no idea of the value of money, who are not only ignorant of how it could be used elsewhere, they just don't care. I don't want us to be anyone's 500m ego trip. that would be profoundly distasteful. I still have some concerns, but the Abu-Dhabi crew don't seem to be like that.

marco had it on another thread IMO. the long term solution to the problem of making this club bigger yet less reliant on hand-outs... is to turn single regulars into people who bring families. to bring through as many young fans as possible, so they spend as much of their money on city as possible. and they bring their friends. who bring their families. and eventually they all bring their kids. who bring their friends. and so on. generating more fans. I'd say that's a pretty acceptable vision of the future for most existing S/T holders. better than relying on tourists, or corporates.

It's a wonderful post until the last word, for me.

Whilst I also believe that City will maximise revenue whilst looking after the ordinary fan, one of the ways I think they'll do it is by trying to multiply corporate revenue. I think they'll chase this business like mad over the enxt few years.

The two can exist side-by-side. An extra £mil in corporate revenue per game should ease the price pressure on ordinary fans.
chesterguy said:
RBmk2 said:
I don't have a problem with the increase in my ticket price.I'm not flush,but I am realistic.Maybe this is a "gesture" on behalf of the club to say "look guys-we're pouring hundreds of millions in here,you know we can afford it but we think you should give a percentage back to us."

Daft,but possible.Maybe they've agreed to give the percentage difference to the council,to put back into communities across Manchester-who the hell knows?

No-my issue is with the goon who thinks that it's okay to bomb out an entire stand full of fans and force them to relocate,with virtually zero notice or apparent concern for the issues and difficulties it would create for them.

That is,dare I say it-the sort of arrogant bollocks we expect to see from those in Stretford.It's hard enough to get fans through the doors at is,without forcing them into a "put up or shut up" situation they've had no consultation about.

I would say to Gary Cook that for all the "man of the people,top bloke,he bought me a pint" stuff he tries to propogate,that this is a major PR disaster on his part.
No wonder the club were "defending" themselves from the moment this was officially announced this morning.

Imo,Gary Cook is a foot-in-mouth,blundering liability.

Up to now,his silly outburts have cost noting more than a little embarrassment.

This time,it could be a lot more.

Toally agree

count me in as agreeing also

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