
Apparently he isn't the kind of piss head that nails the beer 24/7, he goes on 2 week benders every 6 months or so and ends up in a right state. Could be why he has lasted so long, the break in between
I'm not entirely sure why they can't section him if he's a danger to himself, he's probably in a place where he doesn't want to wake up, doesn't mean he wants to kill himself but not waking up seems like a nice option
where are all his buddies now, the one's that were freeloading off him, he looked quite well on the morning TV show a couple of months back,real shame for the bloke
i have a mate who can go 3 months without a drink no problem but two or three times a year he gets drunk to the state Gazza is in now, bordering on death. Has happened at least 5 times in the last few years where he has phoned me almost suicidal that he has slipped off the waggon. I cant get my head around feeling that bad and wanting to carry on drinking. After a few pints I just want to sleep.
This sort of thing is happening everywhere: in every country, every city, and almost every road you'll find a Gazza. But to be honest, a lot of us are the type who looks away at a cripple, pretends not to see a beggar on the street etc. It's the 21st century and we've become anaesthetised against human suffering. It's a dreadful state of affairs but it is the truth. Yes, we have organisations to help people, we have charities, and we give a couple of quid to Shelter or whatever to temporarily ease our collective conscience, but it's like trying to stem the tide. The moment one former alcoholic/junkie is clean another one comes along to replace him. And we don't have an endless supply of money to throw at the problem. So we have to look elsewhere.
The laws in this country are so open to abuse that it's almost (but not quite) laughable. Under age kids being served alcohol so they can binge-drink in the local park is a common occurrence. Kids of thirteen or fourteen are drinking themselves into oblivion and a lot of us pretend not to see it. By the time these kids reach their twenties they've caused so much damage to their vital organs that they have no other life to look forward to except living on benefits and hanging about in shopping precincts.

I don't claim to know what the answer is, but it certainly isn't looking away from it.

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