GB News

If it couldn’t get any worse!

Some money going into that influencer channel with very little coming back. I wonder if it will work?

Investments like these aren’t measured by a few quid for billionaires but the influence it has in shaping their electoral base and greater public opinion. Folks who pour money into these things usually have more money than they can ever spend so it’s still worth it for them.
It is being reported that everyone's favourite race - baiter, Yaxley-Lennon , is preparing to sue GBN as they ran a story at the weekend saying he led an EDL march and threw things at the Police. As the EDL was shut down a couple of years ago and his entire presence there was live streamed by Mahyar Tousi it would have been pretty obvious that didn't happen.

Two good things to come from it - GBN are doing a good job at winding themselves up and shutting shop and if Tommeh wins he can pay that kid in Yorkshire the £100k the court awarded and that he claimed not to have. Justice at its most poetic
It is being reported that everyone's favourite race - baiter, Yaxley-Lennon , is preparing to sue GBN as they ran a story at the weekend saying he led an EDL march and threw things at the Police. As the EDL was shut down a couple of years ago and his entire presence there was live streamed by Mahyar Tousi it would have been pretty obvious that didn't happen.

Two good things to come from it - GBN are doing a good job at winding themselves up and shutting shop and if Tommeh wins he can pay that kid in Yorkshire the £100k the court awarded and that he claimed not to have. Justice at its most poetic

Surprised they’ve not offered him a slot
…his entire presence there was live streamed by Mahyar Tousi it would have been pretty obvious that didn't happen.
Tousi really is as thick as fucking pig shit. He’s like an Iranian Sophie Corcoran.

The guy keeps bigging up the Shah of Iran on his Twitter feed. In 1975 Amnesty International pronounced the Shah’s government to be one of the worst violators of human rights, thanks to his Savak torturers.

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