Gender Neutral language

Places like New York currently recognise 31 different gender identities.

Imagine if each identity had it's own pronoun similiar to as shown in this link

Do you not see any potential problems? especially if you could be fined $250k for getting it wrong (as is the case in New York).

If people were actually being fined $250k for making a genuine mistake then I think that's big problem (has it actually happened though?).

I think there are a few gender neutral pronouns floating around as people haven't settled on one yet /wider society hasn't accepted one. "They" usually does the job in a lot of cases though and I think most would settle for at least being referred to in a neutral way rather than as something they are not.

People get very panicked with scare stories about how they're going to be expected to learn in excess of 30 new gender idenities. I honestly don't think anyone is being told they have to do that. That said, nobody freaks out about how many different names there are out there? Hundreds. We mange to remember what our friends, family, work colleagues etc are all called without routinely getting their names wrong.
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It's all bollocks, I once asked a girl who worked for me if she knew the way to Oldham, she said she didn't, I showed her, she kneed me in the balls, all sorted, no need for some twat from HR to get involved.
You could have probably googled it in less time than it took you to type out that reply, but ok. It's essentially the opposite of being transgendered.
You mean you were born with a cock and you still consider yourself a male?

That sort of thing now has a name does it?

Fucking hell.
Actually no because I was born with a fanny and consider myself female as far as my gender identity goes.
Actually no because I was born with a fanny and consider myself female as far as my gender identity goes.
None the wiser. You can identify yourself how you wish, but it's presumptuous to expect every body else to be across all the subtle and myriad new identities.
If you were born a woman and still consider yourself one, what makes you "cis gendered"?

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