General Election - December 12th, 2019

Who will you vote for in the 2019 General Election?

  • Conservative

    Votes: 160 30.9%
  • Labour

    Votes: 230 44.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 59 11.4%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 13 2.5%
  • Brexit Party

    Votes: 28 5.4%
  • Plaid Cymru/SNP

    Votes: 7 1.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 21 4.1%

  • Total voters
Would you even if that meant remain?

I’m somewhat of a fan of Blair, only somewhat now.

But I wouldn’t have him back.

His and Jack Straw’s immigration policy, which for those that don’t know was to ban the word from Cabinet meetings and try and open up the doors to as many people as they possibly could, has been an utter disaster and has made the British public quite rightly resentful.

He oversaw mass liberalism that our culture cannot possibly recover from and he may well have been the final nail in the coffin for that culture.

That said he accomplished a lot.
I worked for some senior figures in the Home Office when Straw was Home Secretary - and had quite a lot of dealings with him, including leading a large PFI/outsourcing for him.

I say this to emphasise the levels at which it was so openly spoken about that open-door immigration would have numerous benefits including cementing Labour voters of the future - they were thinking ahead.

It was very deliberate
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As a matter of interest - I mean this genuinely - why are you posting this stuff? We had a general election, you lost. It's like you're hoping to have it cancelled or something.

As I said before, are we going to have to put up with 5 years of this and you posting about lie #1476 etc. You need to move on mate. Everyone else has.
You ask why? - seems to be sad desperation and denial

Sorry, but I need to pull you up on your last sentence - he has company on here
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I am convinced you never read the articles that you link to, just the headlines.

Which specific line in that article says that they are "allowing fracking"?

"It should be noted that the Government has made clear that on the basis of the current scientific evidence, and in the absence of compelling new evidence, it has taken a presumption against issuing any further Hydraulic Fracturing Consents. While future applications will be considered on their own merits by the Secretary of State in accordance with the law, the shale gas industry should take the Government’s position into account when considering new developments."

Any future applications will only be approved if safety standards are raised. Are you saying you'd be against shale gas retrieval if new methods proved it was safe and did not affect the environment? Because that's the Government's position; once you've proven it's safe, and falls in accordance with the law, applications for shale gas exploration will be considered. That's just common sense.
Seems somewhat ironic and embarrassing from him when he makes these posts in the middle of a campaign to highlight lies
I worked for some senior figures in the Home Office when Straw was Home Secretary - and had quite a lot of dealings with him, including leading a large PFI/outsourcing for him.

I say this to emphasise the levels at which it so openly spoken about that open-door immigration would have numerous benefits including cementing Labour voters of the future - they were thinking ahead.

It was very deliberate

Broken Vows, which I quote so often people on here must think it’s the only book I’ve ever read, was actually described as more comprehensive than the Chilcot Enquiry.

It went through the immigration policy and even though I am someone that acknowledges immigration’s benefits and need even, the policy from New Labour was appalling.
Election over. Shit party won. And purely on their Brexit stance. Corbyn missed a trick. His policies were spot on. But one more Brexit referendum.... Another? Bit of a joke.

My predictions... Financial collapse and another war in the next few years. Watch.....

I did say ...... its only a matter of time.

Brexit and divisions and now Iran war. Middle east will be hell on earth.
I did say ...... its only a matter of time.

Brexit and divisions and now Iran war. Middle east will be hell on earth.
Corbyn missed a trick and his policies were spot on?
His policies were economically illiterate fairy tales mate, the populace saw through them, I'd stick with the Trump
I really like the look of the modern Social Democrat Party, with moderate economic views and small c conservatism social policies around communities and family.

It’s a shame under FPTP and the current party machines they’ll have never get near to a chance.

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