General Election - December 12th, 2019

Who will you vote for in the 2019 General Election?

  • Conservative

    Votes: 160 30.9%
  • Labour

    Votes: 230 44.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 59 11.4%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 13 2.5%
  • Brexit Party

    Votes: 28 5.4%
  • Plaid Cymru/SNP

    Votes: 7 1.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 21 4.1%

  • Total voters
"My lot" here having the meaning of the leave supporting British Public?

And yes, we are leaving, breathe it in. After 3 years of vitriol and hatred, breathe that reality in.
So delicious....

Made me think of that clip

"I love the smell of naplam in the morning...."
Frankly that is absolutely bollox.
Are you seriously trying to claim that every voter who didn't vote Tory was a died I the wool remainer?
There are many labour voters who voted for Brexit and also voted Labour in this GE.

You take the phrase "clutching at straws" to a whole new level.
In my days of being at odds with the leave contingent on here and our arguments getting to insults, I wouldn’t have claimed anything near to that.

Embarrassing really but all you’ve got left is the remainers that are so entrenched, that they still won’t give it up, despite the obvious (the British public still want this).
You see no connection ?

Grow up and analyse and think.

Throw away your preconceptions.

No, I don't think you can. You are just fodder.
It's a free country (for now) and I'll chime in when I want.

You are not correct but I hope one day you'll achieve the enlightenment that will enable you to see what is actually happening.

So far you talk nothing but shit.
Your analysis completely ignores the post Trumpian (for want of a better adjective) world we now live in.

The cunts are in control and it's difficult to see how their power of a largely stupid population will be removed.
I can just imagine Bluemooners across the NW and wider UK reading that tirade and just unsure whether to lol at the utter lack of self-awareness or cringe in embarrassment for you

As your repitition of such posts has become increasingly tedious and ineffectual - I am guessing the latter
Frankly that is absolutely bollox.
Are you seriously trying to claim that every voter who didn't vote Tory was a died I the wool remainer?
There are many labour voters who voted for Brexit and also voted Labour in this GE.

You take the phrase "clutching at straws" to a whole new level.
No point whatsoever in responding to ifwecouldjust, he is without doubt one of the most entrenched posters on here. Living in his own parallel universe oblivious to real world facts. His life seems to be consumed by bitterness and resentment.
There are of course negatives to membership of the EU but the positivex massively outweigh the negatives.

But we will be much better off under the stewardship of a bunch of old Etonian toffs fighting our corner against the 3 economic superpowers of China, the US and the EU.

You win. I'm beaten.

TBF - that was apparent to a lot of us months ago
You keep...

preaching to the...

same audie...

Thanks for making the effort to bring a smile to my face ;-)
I can just imagine Bluemooners across the NW and wider UK reading that tirade and just unsure whether to lol at the utter lack of self-awareness or cringe in embarrassment for you

As your repitition of such posts has become increasingly tedious and ineffectual - I am guessing the latter

Hilarious given the constant stream of drivel you vomit all over this forum.

Happy holidays !

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