General Election June 8th

Who will you vote for at the General Election?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 189 28.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 366 55.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 37 5.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 8 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 23 3.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 5.0%

  • Total voters
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More garbage from our PM. I can only imagine she's thinking she's going to win anyway with a huge majority, so it doesn't matter what garbage she comes up with.

What's the point of increasing inheritance tax, if you're going to take back in care costs, more than what you've given in inheritance tax benefit.
Because it's my money and the welfare on offer is not commensurate with what is paid in. Tax has a place but when it's up over 50% then it stops being fair.

As an example, my father ran a successful business for many years, fell ill and had to sell his business at an inopportune time. He'd always reinvested his profits into his company and if he'd sold it a few years earlier or few years later then he'd have had sufficient to comfortably retire on. As it is, he's 72 and receives just over £1,100 gross per month from his various state pensions yet he paid tax at the highest rate for decades and employed 20 odd people for all that time. My mother receives £64 per month as she was an unofficial secretary/housewife and thus didn't get a large number of qualifying NI years.

That's a crap return for what was actually pod into the system. I urged them to call the DSS or whatever it's called now and find out if they qualify for anything, and they don't apart from a modest council tax reduction. So I send a couple of grand back to the UK each month and have done since I emigrated to supplement their household income and to allow them some sense of freedom. If I was in the U.K., I wouldn't have the disposable income to do that.

If tax monies were well spent then there's a good argument for it, but on the whole, it isn't well spent. There's too much wastage. There's too much spent on defence for pointless wars, £13bn on foreign aid (including some countries with a fucking space programme), £20bn lost through public sector fraud, £1.2bn in CAP payments to foreign farmers. As I say, I understand a country has to provide protection, roads, schools, healthcare and the like to its citizens, but I don't see why grants of £92,000 on a skip covered in flashing lights by the arts council or why the FCA paid £50,000 for a logo change that would have taken anyone on here less than two minutes on Microsoft Publisher.

Top post.

I agree and empathise with every single word. The state is such an inefficient and wasteful entity, money given to them (i.e. taken off you) is largely wasted. And i include councils in "the state" by the way - they are just as bad. Therefore, logically, we need the state to do as little as possible and be given as little money as possible. And allow more efficient organisations to do whatever work needs doing. Organisations to whom pissing money down the drain, actually matters.

Anecdotally, we have traffic lights now junction 14. We didn't need them and nobody asked for them. But the council figured it could not think of anything more worthy to waste £600,000 on, so they dicked about with some tarmac and moving a couple of curbs and put the lights in. They've been a disaster, causing chaos and untold congestion. So the council spent another £500,000 on tweaking it to try to make it work. It didn't, it's just as bad.

So now they just turn the lights off, and revert to how it was before they put them in. That's too embarrassing though, having wasted £1.1m of our money, which could have gone on extra nurses, or school facilities, or whatever. So they turn the lights back on during the day time, when there's no cars there. You could not make it up.

I've posted previously about how the local council is spending £200m on a bus lane that no-one wants. Have they not heard that there's austerity going on? They've just put the rates up by the maximum amount and are wasting £200m on a fucking bus lane. It does my head in.
I'm up in the air about this election. For me neither Labour or Conservative do it for me. I'd prefer a more centric party for where I am in the world.

Labour has some good points but there are some which are just not right.

I understand about additional taxation of people earning over salary bands. For me I still see anything about 40% as too much. But that's me, and I am no way near that particular salary range.
The 2 I don't agree with
- Additional VAT on Private Education fees - Why would you want to apply this. Parents at Independent schools are not all wealthy. Some are working 2 jobs and making other sacrifices to send their kids to private schools. They are already saving the government money by taking them out of State school education, so this is just an additional taxation.
- Additional Taxation on Private Healthcare - Again people are paying out of their pocket for Private Healthcare - not all rich people too. This is just another money grab. These people are generally relieving the burden on the NHS.
- Increase Corporation Tax to 26% - I'm a small business and this will hit my company and I already pay a good chunk in Corp Tax and Personal Tax
- Inheritance Tax - Why increase taxation on something that tax has already been paid on -

That's just a few things. I understand thinking about all, but for some of us in which I class as the middle we are getting shafted by both parties.

For me both parties need to be going after big Corporations who are taking the piss. Doesn't matter where they are based. If they make money in this country they pay the right level of tax earnt in this country.
Road fund license.

And you don't think he paid his share at 30%?

So the Government. Who ensured he has clean air and water? Who paid for the healthcare of the nation to ensure he didn't get smallpox? Who paid his way for 10 years and have him an out?

As I've pointed out in great detail, this "I did it on my own" stuff is a total myth believed either by people who aren't really thinking it through. This isnt an ideological argument it's a statement of fact unless you happen to be from Liberia or Somalia.

And as I previously mentioned, the idea of a "fair share" doesn't make any sense. This is like asking if when you win at the bookies, them giving you your higher stake back is a "fair share". I can't answer this because the question is malformed. There's no such thing as a fair or unfair share. There's no such thing as a share. Yes, tax rates can theoretically become too high if that's the question.
So the Government. Who ensured he has clean air and water? Who paid for the healthcare of the nation to ensure he didn't get smallpox? Who paid his way for 10 years and have him an out?

As I've pointed out in great detail, this "I did it on my own" stuff is a total myth believed either by people who aren't really thinking it through. This isnt an ideological argument it's a statement of fact unless you happen to be from Liberia or Somalia.

And as I previously mentioned, the idea of a "fair share" doesn't make any sense. This is like asking if when you win at the bookies, them giving you your higher stake back is a "fair share". I can't answer this because the question is malformed. There's no such thing as a fair or unfair share. There's no such thing as a share. Yes, tax rates can theoretically become too high if that's the question.
You've lost the plot mate.
Everyone contributing more than average taxes is funding not only their own way but that of others also.
I see the Tory serfs are handing out the questions to ask the PM after the manifesto launch.

"We are the true party of the workers. You will work or not get any benefits otherwise creating a strong and stable economy for my already rich friends"
Why are some people so against paying taxes? Interested to hear the arguments.

Personally, I'd rather live in a fair society that works and have to pay a bit more to the government every year than one where the sick, elderly, young and inferm are left to rot. And for that you have to pay for it.

Agreed....but thats not happening is it?

1) NHS is a shambles 3 week wait to see the GP and a proposal from the Conservatives that GP's should work in A&E to ease the backlog
2) means testing the elderly to remove their winter fuel allowance (Probably cost more to implement than savings will be taking their free bus passes off them.
3) Social Care reform ...... don't make me fuc£ing laugh. The government still end up taking your house and all your assets.
4) Kids expected to find a job on JSA/ feed themselves etc.

Instead they make the choice of renewing trident (167 billion)/ building a railway line no one wants (70 billion)/ reducing corporation tax / Giving themselves £1049 a year pay rise (1st April) / refurbishing the houses of parliament (5.7 billion) / decorating the house of the richest woman on earth £369 million

One thing the tories will always do is to penalise the elderly / disabled / unemployed for the woes of this country. Please remind me again how many bankers went to prison as a result of the financial crisis of 2008

i could go on ...
I agree and empathise with every single word. The state is such an inefficient and wasteful entity, money given to them (i.e. taken off you) is largely wasted. And i include councils in "the state" by the way - they are just as bad. Therefore, logically, we need the state to do as little as possible and be given as little money as possible. And allow more efficient organisations to do whatever work needs doing. Organisations to whom pissing money down the drain, actually matters.

This Libertarianism after the fact is the stupidest of all political positions.

I'll tell you what, Somalia has no state controlled entities and is essentially the "tiny Government with no spending". Can you explain why it's not currently a capitalist paradise and you aren't living there?

And don't use the term "logically" when you mean "in my opinion".
means testing the elderly to remove their winter fuel allowance (Probably cost more to implement than savings will be taking their free bus passes off them.
Why shouldn't they be?

Why should a millionaire retiree get the same as someone on the breadline.

And it's expected to save £1bn. Not a small number.
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