General Election June 8th

Who will you vote for at the General Election?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 189 28.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 366 55.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 37 5.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 8 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 23 3.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 5.0%

  • Total voters
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Be back down t'row after the bollocks he's about to come out with .

Speaks sense

''an informed understanding of the causes of terrorism is an essential part of an effective response that will protect the security of our people that fights rather than fuels terrorism."

Mr Corbyn, who opposed UK military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, and voted against strikes in Libya and Syria, will say: "We must be brave enough to admit the 'war on terror' is simply not working.

"We need a smarter way to reduce the threat from countries that nurture terrorists and generate terrorism."

He will also pledge to "reverse the cuts to our emergency services and police" arguing that "we cannot be protected and cared for on the cheap".
Think people are being a little premature in thinking corbyn with the defence policy he is gonna put out which pledges increases in border security, more emegency services and front line community policing is gonna harm him

Amber rudd has still not ruled out 8000 cuts to police force, and may is getting slaughtered for her actions as home secretary slashing everything.
Also her not stopping arms sales to the saudi's, while corbyn is pledging to do that along with a push for them to stop supporting terrorism.

The jezza is a terrorist sympathiser is gonna be the card played by the right for the next few weeks, but rhwy may have overplayed it early dosora and some find it distasteful at present, also it's strange that they are focusing on the IRA, rather than him inviting hezbollah over to a talks, maybe because for those who don't know much about them and googled them it will show they are fighting Da'esh and Al Nusra on the lebanese border (though they are supporting assad as well).

At the momment homeland security will be in peoples minds and a perception of more policing cuts and the government whose done it, plus Mays relationship with the saudi's and her open willingness to intervene overseas which many equate to have led to this increase terror attacks, the weakness over the US intelegance fuck up will be factors.

If he avoids allowing the framing of question when grilled on the subject to be about his past and sticks to the facts of what his party are proposing for the future then him may come out unscathed.

At all cost though leave abbot on the subs bench, interview wise leave it to thornburry and gardener.
UKIP on 4% is good. Just hope they don't get any benefit from this.

I expect the polls will be all over the place for the next week.

I thinl UKIP have pretty much defeated themselves with that mommentus fuck up of a manifesto launch and everyone taking the piss out of their balaclava ban as it's being called.
I thinl UKIP have pretty much defeated themselves with that mommentus fuck up of a manifesto launch and everyone taking the piss out of their balaclava ban as it's being called.

The kippers highlighting that mays cuts might have affected the police's ability to target potential terrorists, the video of may being told by a former GMP community police officer that intelligence was drying up as community policing was being cut by her policies as HS could cause some kippers that had decided to go tory to revert to the fringe party, splitting their vote.
Be very interesting couple of weeks
I wouldn't look at any poll now as an indication of anything at all, getting it wrong is what they do as par for the course. My personal opinion is that ukip are dead in the water mainly due to leadership problems and the simple concept that the job is done. Labour will shoot themselves in the foot again before polling day and we will be left with Tory rule for the foreseeable future.
We need strong opposition and we haven't got that at present.
I wouldn't look at any poll now as an indication of anything at all, getting it wrong is what they do as par for the course. My personal opinion is that ukip are dead in the water mainly due to leadership problems and the simple concept that the job is done. Labour will shoot themselves in the foot again before polling day and we will be left with Tory rule for the foreseeable future.
We need strong opposition and we haven't got that at present.
I don't think wibbly wobbly may will last long as leader of the opposition, & not sure if Bojo will be up to the task or not.
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