General Election June 8th

Who will you vote for at the General Election?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 189 28.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 366 55.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 37 5.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 8 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 23 3.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 5.0%

  • Total voters
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You want someone who puts the interests of the UK population first ........ you mean the people in poverty, the NHS and Education hammered by this government or the top earning 1% who have benefited from tax breaks ....... or both ?

Education hammered by this govt!? You must be having a laugh. I've never met such an incompetent generation as those schooled under 13 years of Labour government. That's probably why the Greens, Labour and lib dems tell us we need so much immigration to get the skills we need. Skills that from growing up in the 80s and 90s we didn't appear to need in such large numbers.

As for poverty, you say that like 13 years of the last tax and spend Labour government got that issue cracked. 'If' there is more poverty in the last 7 years you need look no further than Labour for leaving the country in the state they did and the Tories making the difficult choices to get it fixed.

The problem with Labour is they seem to think every problem is solved by continually throwing more money at it. One trick ponies. The problem is there isn't a limitless supply of that so guess what you have to make difficult choices.

That isn't because I don't want a first class health service, free at the point of need, or the best education system in the world, or no one living in poverty, it just so happens that the real world and real life choices get in the way.

Anecdotally, my wife saw a beautiful Versace bag the other day, unfortunately, I didn't have the money to buy her that so I got her the Michael Kors instead, same size, same colour, could hold the same amount but a fraction of the price. You see its all about value and the outcome was a good one. I didn't get out the plastic and pretend she could have whatever bag she wanted just to make her happy because eventually the credit would get maxed out and the bank would want repaying.

Socialists are well meaning but totally misguided.
Corbyn is a man who despises pretty much everything this country has stood for.
  • He wants to get rid of and despises the monarchy
  • He clearly supported the IRA and whilst he purports to despise bombing of any kind he was quite happy to support the killing of our troops during the troubles in his blind support of the republicans.
  • He supports Hamas - a terrorist organisation describing them as 'friends'
  • He would destroy any relationship with the US due to his socialist dogma and hatred for Trump which is critical to our future success and negotiations for Brexit
  • If he could, he would get rid of trident leaving our country vulnerable to any kind of despot, but if you're not willing to say unequivocally you would use it what is the point of having the deterrent?
  • He would have let Argentina take over the Falklands - what does that say to the people of Gibraltar and the Falklands about their security in the future?
I've not even touched on his tax and spend policies where he dishes out freebies to his client state until the money runs out and the Tories have to take the brickbats for making the tough choices again to fix the mess.

Anyone who has the majority of a rational shadow cabinet resign believing he is not fit for office but have the hide of an elephant and still cling onto office is not a man I can trust. As for Diane Abbot as home Secretary, talk about having your blinkers on!!

That is not the CV of a man whom I want to be leading our country, or who I believe has the best interests of this country at heart.

I'm guessing there will be some who see some of the things I've listed as reasons to support him, which is each to their own, but I want a PM who puts the interests of the UK population people above anything else. Theresa May despite the recent blunders, strikes me as someone who will tell it as it is and not try to pretend that government can do anything and everything, spend what they want, without consequence. If anything she went too far with that in the manifesto and yet we claim we want honest politicians...
Did you buy that argument pre-made direct from the Tories?

- Even if he does despise the Monarchy, the PM can't get the power on their own to get rid. As he said on Sky's debate, it's not in the manifesto because it aint happening and the manifesto is the result of the party's democratic decisions, he isn't a dictator.
- Not clear he supported the IRA (where's your source for the support of killing our troops?), he sympathised with their anger so he could bring them down to the negotiation table for peace and to find a peaceful solution. Same tactic for Hamas and the one anyone with any sense would use as hitting them back means they'll always be bitter toward you instead of respecting you for giving the matters they raise the chance to be heard and taken seriously instead of dismissed because they are poor working class out the way of the gentry (what happened with Ireland the whole time).
- Where's your source for your Trump point because it just sounds like your own presumptive socialist phobia.
- Trident renewal is supported in their manifesto (see point 1 about co-operative decision making and not forcing own views on everyone else).
- Again, bullshit, example of Falklands came up on Sky's debate and he said he would have used the UN as a solution rather than risking British lives (this counters your IRA support against British troops statement).

What have the Tories costed in their manifesto? Nothing - despite knowing about the election before anyone else. Labour have costed everything (Tories keep lying they haven't costed), Labour have a managed immigration plan (Tories keep lying they'll have uncontrolled immigration whilst they themselves can't hit their own basic immigration targets). You're regurgitating all their lies. Take the effort to look into these things to realise the Tories are conning you and use your intelligence to understand why Corbyn takes the routes he does on matters to achieve the most effective solution and actually fix the problem rather than the obvious knee-jerk option every time.
I fail to see the misinformation? You just reinforced the quote with more from her own book to support that she hoped "by the morning [the British solider] would be dead."

Also does her no favours for supporting the conflict by accepting urban guerrilla warfare rather than working to establish peace. Clearly she was an outright IRA supporter who now works for the type of people that caused the IRA (and previous Irish groups) to stir up in the first place to fight.

Loved Ireland so much she left it for London.
Te quote is being used in the context that she still holds these views when she doesn't. Look at the tense "I agree/I believe". The quote is actually "I agreed/I believed" stating she does not hold these views anymore. The accurate quote needs to be used otherwise it's spreading misinformation that this a view she still holds.

If Corbyn supporters are angry at people taking quotes out of context of his 'support for the IRA' they shouldn't adopt the same tactics to prove a point. It just makes them look petty.
Education hammered by this govt!? You must be having a laugh. I've never met such an incompetent generation as those schooled under 13 years of Labour government. That's probably why the Greens, Labour and lib dems tell us we need so much immigration to get the skills we need. Skills that from growing up in the 80s and 90s we didn't appear to need in such large numbers.

As for poverty, you say that like 13 years of the last tax and spend Labour government got that issue cracked. 'If' there is more poverty in the last 7 years you need look no further than Labour for leaving the country in the state they did and the Tories making the difficult choices to get it fixed.

The problem with Labour is they seem to think every problem is solved by continually throwing more money at it. One trick ponies. The problem is there isn't a limitless supply of that so guess what you have to make difficult choices.

That isn't because I don't want a first class health service, free at the point of need, or the best education system in the world, or no one living in poverty, it just so happens that the real world and real life choices get in the way.

Anecdotally, my wife saw a beautiful Versace bag the other day, unfortunately, I didn't have the money to buy her that so I got her the Michael Kors instead, same size, same colour, could hold the same amount but a fraction of the price. You see its all about value and the outcome was a good one. I didn't get out the plastic and pretend she could have whatever bag she wanted just to make her happy because eventually the credit would get maxed out and the bank would want repaying.

Socialists are well meaning but totally misguided.
Great post Blue, some commonsense at last, put tin hat on and prepare for the inevitable silly name calling:-)
With debt at a record near £1.8 trillion will that ever be paid off or even brought down significantly, I know how they bring the deficit down but how about the debt?
It's not as simple as that. We need our interests to not be subsumed within a Westminster focus. We need that strength to ensure we can fight out corner. The 40 former labour MP's did nothing to argue our case following the whip.

We have seen and still see Kabour go into collaboration with the Tories, councils recently. There is no way back for them. We do hope Corbyn wins and we will vote with his plans to make the whole of the U.K a fairer place, but we don't trust them with our interests re Europe and Trident.

The vast maj of people now voting SNP are like me ex labour, I was a member once. Times have changed, Brexit is going to be disastrous for us all and we don't want it. Not having SNP there undermines our ability to influence against a hard Brexit or indeed any Brexit.
Leaving Brexit aside (Corbyn is arguing for tariff free access btw) - on the point of fighting your corner I absolutely see your point and agree you need that (we need that more than you but have nobody with any say) but the thing is: SNP would garner much more support and momentum and much more effectively battle for Scotland's interests if it did indeed fight for these issues on a nationwide scale by promoting equal regional devolution across the nation. Yet they won't because they're blinded by the thought of independence, which is the one thing they're striving for above all else. It feels overwhelmingly to me like style over substance for them. They would secede from the UK to join the EU just so the world recognises Scotland as it's own sovereign country.

The thought of staying part of the UK and having it better than they could as an independent Scotland doesn't seem to enter their thoughts at all. I wonder if they realise how much momentum they've built up and the effectiveness they'd have if they drove it in a different direction, one that would gain the rest of the UK's respect and support.
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Corbyn is a man who despises pretty much everything this country has stood for.
  • He wants to get rid of and despises the monarchy
  • He clearly supported the IRA and whilst he purports to despise bombing of any kind he was quite happy to support the killing of our troops during the troubles in his blind support of the republicans.
  • He supports Hamas - a terrorist organisation describing them as 'friends'
  • He would destroy any relationship with the US due to his socialist dogma and hatred for Trump which is critical to our future success and negotiations for Brexit
  • If he could, he would get rid of trident leaving our country vulnerable to any kind of despot, but if you're not willing to say unequivocally you would use it what is the point of having the deterrent?
  • He would have let Argentina take over the Falklands - what does that say to the people of Gibraltar and the Falklands about their security in the future?

talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel , no wonder Labour are catching up in the polls with sh*t like this

Monarchy, IRA, Hamas Zzzzzzzzz any of that in the Manifesto ?
Te quote is being used in the context that she still holds these views when she doesn't. Look at the tense "I agree/I believe". The quote is actually "I agreed/I believed" stating she does not hold these views anymore. The accurate quote needs to be used otherwise it's spreading misinformation that this a view she still holds.

If Corbyn supporters are angry at people taking quotes out of context of his 'support for the IRA' they shouldn't adopt the same tactics to prove a point. It just makes them look petty.
Ah right fair enough, I completely overlooked that because I looked at it alongside Corbyn being painted as an IRA supporter in the past. My points still stand on the woman anyway.

The Tories have missed a trick in hiring people that make images of quotations about Scholes as part of their campaign team. She'd have the rag vote sealed up over night.
Great post Blue, some commonsense at last, put tin hat on and prepare for the inevitable silly name calling:-)

I not going to waste too much of my time but when you say prepare for name calling you are actually starting it.

That's the trouble here. No one is really going to change anyone's mind on who they vote for so inevitably it goes down hill pretty quickly and becomes boring Internet point scoring.

Let's see next Friday. We all only have one vote. Seems pretty equal on bluemoon
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