Deary me. So this utterly irrelevant MP, prior to a few months ago, whose only contribution to British democracy
was to vote over 500 times against everything, including terrorist legislation, has suddenly morphed into the love child
of Martin Luther King and Ghandi?
I also don't remember financial and military support for Al Qaeda or IS being in the Conservative manifesto.
Chamberlain tried talking to the Nazis, how did that work out?
If you honestly believe the British govt and it's lickspittles weren't in dialogue with the IRA long before the peace process came out into the open you're frankly a bit mad.
If it's alright for mrs thatcher, mr Callaghan, major and Blair to do so, never mind several american presidents, in fact every arm of the state to do so why does it offend you so much when a man who just happens to believe in caring for the weakest in our society by asking for the most fortunate to provide a tiny tiny bit of their excess cash does so?
It's either wrong in which case I imagine you'll be voting for none of the major parties or it's not wrong in which case step away from the keyboard and leave the man alone.