General Election June 8th

Who will you vote for at the General Election?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 189 28.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 366 55.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 37 5.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 8 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 23 3.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 5.0%

  • Total voters
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May already looks shaky, i wonder if she has the stomach for a fight. Absolutely savaged by yvette cooper today and looked shell like to see dennis skinner go head to head with her, she would be ripped to bits!
There are so many key domestic issues that need to be dealt with in the coming years - but there is no escaping the fact that the 'main event' is Brexit - and how that goes will set the scene for the best way all the other key issues can be managed.

So, perversely for some, it is best to support May to ensure that she is positioned to get the best from the negotiations and then the rest can be afforded - without a good Brexit outcome any promises made about all the other key issues have no credibility.

But the differences in what either party expect from the exit from the EU are not that many, in fact if a left leaning labour party had been in power during the referendum I would have voted to leave as the EU flies in the face of many socialist ideals.

A Brexit that tosses our membership of the single market aside, making way for a low-wage, low-tax, low-regulation future that marries a vision of offshore Britain with dependence on foreign capital from wealthy authoritarian regimes around the world is what we could be in line for if may gets her way and preventing this is labours main difference in approach, and not the libs meltdown remoaning stance

Either party if they get in will be negotiating the same, and europe may be more pliable to a less gobshit attitude that may has used with empty rhetoric about off shore britain and other bollocks.

As I said it's a big issue, but if it's made the only issue then the public are beig sold short on other issues that matter as much.
Hopefully, the debate will get on to some real issues like the underfunding of Social Care.

A reduction in foreign aid could help to support social care that also supports the NHS.
The election will not be about anything but brexit,suits the tories to sneak in policies without anyone noticing until it's too late skinner a wank stain, because he called he out on what this is about 30 tories possibly being kicked out of parliament for fraud and getting prosecuted, she's a coward, she has hid from any major issue she fucked up in her time as home secretary and shifted blame, same as now, running scared of the the party being in the shit from criminal courts and her backbenchers rejecting her exit recomendations.
24. Potentially.
May already looks shaky, i wonder if she has the stomach for a fight. Absolutely savaged by yvette cooper today and looked shell like to see dennis skinner go head to head with her, she would be ripped to bits!

I disagree - I thought she gave a reasonable answer to Cooper's question

Coalition of Chaos is a term that is bobbing around. The Greens, Labour and Lib Dems - is this what the Labour Party has been reduced to? Very sad if so

Is a Tory win, to crack on with Brexit and then a sensible Centre party come through over the next 5 years the best option?
Does anyone have thoughts either way on TV debates?

Why should the PM stand in a format that gives Tim Farron and other lightweights the same status as the PM - just to satisfy the Media organisation's desires.

The other parties are way behind in every area and only have a 'puncher's chance' - so why give that chance when you have nothing to win.
Why should the PM stand in a format that gives Tim Farron and other lightweights the same status as the PM - just to satisfy the Media organisation's desires.

The other parties are way behind in every area and only have a 'puncher's chance' - so why give that chance when you have nothing to win.
She wont be PM then, I'm no fan of tv debates but she wants a mandate to negotiate brexit surely for that the voters need to know what sort of brexit she wants to negotiate and like it or not most voters now get their information from these debates.
How can I give a mandate to somebody that wont tell me what she stands for, or give me a vision of the future, apart from keep saying brexit means brexit the last I really heard her expand on brexit was when she was telling me it was bad for Britain, just like a few months ago she told me an election was too.
I disagree - I thought she gave a reasonable answer to Cooper's question

Coalition of Chaos is a term that is bobbing around. The Greens, Labour and Lib Dems - is this what the Labour Party has been reduced to? Very sad if so

Is a Tory win, to crack on with Brexit and then a sensible Centre party come through over the next 5 years the best option?
Yes, labour cannot win but they can start a process of recovery. They may get the right Miliband this time which will be a good move. I just detect that May is uncomfortable and refusing the tv debates is an error, its not just about brexit and people can be swayed by such arrogance.
She wont be PM then, I'm no fan of tv debates but she wants a mandate to negotiate brexit surely for that the voters need to know what sort of brexit she wants to negotiate and like it or not most voters now get their information from these debates.
How can I give a mandate to somebody that wont tell me what she stands for, or give me a vision of the future, apart from keep saying brexit means brexit the last I really heard her expand on brexit was when she was telling me it was bad for Britain, just like a few months ago she told me an election was too.

This is what we voted for and Brexit is what it is, there is no hard Brexit just Brexit. None of these politicians were ambiguous they were perfectly clear.

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