General Election June 8th

Who will you vote for at the General Election?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 189 28.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 366 55.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 37 5.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 8 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 23 3.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 5.0%

  • Total voters
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Well you've got the choice of Tory and whatever Brexit they can achieve down the line or Labour/Lib and none.

May isn't going to give away her position to the EU and how far she is prepared to go for certain things beforehand.
Thats all true and I know that, but just saying why I think she should do a tv debate, not that I expect it to change any outcome. But some more hardline brexiteers should be as prepared as a remainer like me to be disappointed with what she is prepared to compromise on, they seem to forget she was an unsure remainer and Johnson was an unsure leaver, both may compromise more than some expect or want, she may well be avoiding saying to keep them in the dark as much as the remainers.
Leavers knew what they were voting for in the main they knew they were not voting for no change. Before the EU existed immigration existed and people applied to live and work here in their millions. What changed is unfettered immigration with hardly any checks to see who was coming in rubber stamped by a federal monster hell bent on destroying national cultures and identities.

Negotiations don't get discussed in public that would just be plain stupid. I assume that it's going to be as close to a full Brexit as was offered by every politician before the referendum.
Whatever happens immigration wont reduce greatly. Not every politician offered a full brexit, May was one that didn't and Jonhnson was another that was undecided until the last minute and wasnt a full brext devotee.
Whatever happens immigration wont reduce greatly. Not every politician offered a full brexit, May was one that didn't and Jonhnson was another that was undecided until the last minute and wasnt a full brext devotee.

I tend to agree with you there with respect to immigration,but our own Parliamentarians wont be able to blame Brussels if they continue to allow mass immigration and could be held to account directly.
May already looks shaky, i wonder if she has the stomach for a fight. Absolutely savaged by yvette cooper today and looked shell like to see dennis skinner go head to head with her, she would be ripped to bits!

Savaged by yvette expenses swindler cooper lol
She won't be out in the general public, she has always avoided such unless it's managed.

lynton crosby has given her a 3 word soundbite and that is all you will hear from her mouth, "Strong and Stable".

So easily could be "strength through purity"
You'll find that any negotiation has an element of Horse trading but the spirit of the vote will be honoured. Remainers seem to want to change the goalposts when the vote and discussions before the vote were quite clear. If remainers were so confident that they were going to get a mythical soft Brexit they wouldn't be constantly complaining about it on a daily basis.

TM is doing a fine job.

You hit the nail on the head. This mythical soft brexit was never an option. Cameron didnt get it in his negotiations. The EU explained time and again it was never on the table and still now prats like clegg and farron are bleating on about it being an option.
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