Exactly this. 100%.
This isn't a poker game, it's two economies working together to ensure they both come out of this mutually beneficially.
The UK population is economically illiterate. I was until 5 years or so back when I asked
@SWP's back and some others to start me off on a reading list. Even now I've only graduated from illiterate to uneducated.
Do you know why we give out foreign aid? It's because we want poor countries to become rich liberal democracies. To do tgis they need infrastructure, citizens who can go to schools rather than starve and many other things of this nature
We don't fund them to be kind. We fund them because once they get their shit together, we now have another customer for our goods and services and more resources keeping the price of goods down. We give them money to make ourselves rich.
The idea that the EU want the UK to fail here and we need some tough, strict negotiator to make sure they don't put one over on us is literal bollocks. The EU want us to stay rich so we will buy their goods and services. The Brexit negotiation will be handled by patient diplomats - neither May nor Corbyn will be anywhere near it