General Space Mission Thread

When you put it like that, it seems pretty obvious. Up until this mission what was the best picture we had of Pluto?

Probably these



To give a comparison, if we took a picture of Earth at those resolutions it would look like this:


New Horizons has Google Earth standard photography equipment on board which will show much much greater detail than ever seen before.
The IAU determines what makes a planet and essentially the arguments for Pluto being a planet rather than dwarf planet are emotional rather than scientific. Just because you really really want money to grow on trees doesn't mean that we should classify it as a plant.

Pluto is a strange and very important body because of how distinct it is. As you can see in the above animation, Pluto and Charon form a double planet system where they each orbit around a common point between them rather than a simple orbit like the Moon has to the Earth. Well, the Moon doesn't actually orbit the Earth but instead a common point of orbit that both the Earth and Moon go around. This common point just happens to be inside the Earth, more info here for the intrigued.

As the barycenter of Pluto and Charon is actually outside of Pluto then they form a strange double dwarf planet system. Pluto is in a place called the Kuiper Belt which is where all of the rocks that formed the planets in the Solar System originally are left. The ones more inner than this were swept up by the planets as they were going round the Sun like a space hoovering system.


Pluto is amongst the largest we've found in that belt but there are tens of thousands of things that we could call a planet if we call Pluto a planet. Instead most refer to it now as a Plutoid, a new type of large dwarf planet.

One of the very interesting things is that people are starting to consider the idea that Pluto may form its own system out there where it has lots and lots of Moons.

Unfortunately after a 10 year journey, New Horizons will be taking its best photos just for a single day as then it will be moving away from Pluto

is that new horizons job done once it passes by pluto or is there more as it exits the solar system
is that new horizons job done once it passes by pluto or is there more as it exits the solar system

Depends on funding. Obviously NASA want to go on and photograph many more Kuiper Belt objects and conduct some science all the way out there but they don't currently have the money.
There's obviously loads more stuff beyond pluto. Aparently it takes 2 weeks for the picture(s)/data to get back to Earth, such is the distance.

As far as I know the probe will continue going at the same speed unless it's effected by gravity in which case it could speed up. It'll be going into the Oort cloud presumably. I wonder how many years it'd take to enter the nearest galaxy to ours? And how long would data take to recieve from those distances.. Would it be possible at all i don't know.
When will the general public see the first images released? Fascinating stuff it really is. In another 10 years time where would new horizons be?
There's obviously loads more stuff beyond pluto. Aparently it takes 2 weeks for the picture(s)/data to get back to Earth, such is the distance.

As far as I know the probe will continue going at the same speed unless it's effected by gravity in which case it could speed up. It'll be going into the Oort cloud presumably. I wonder how many years it'd take to enter the nearest galaxy to ours? And how long would data take to recieve from those distances.. Would it be possible at all i don't know.

At current speed of ~60,000 km/h assuming it's constant, it would take New Horizons ~150 years to get to the closest boundary in the Oort Cloud and 249 million years to cross it completely. The Oort Cloud is a generation or two away from any scientific study unfortunately
When will the general public see the first images released? Fascinating stuff it really is. In another 10 years time where would new horizons be?

Every day but the best pictures will come in 20 days when it reaches its closest approach

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