General transfer rumours

Fernando will be a useful player for us this season, and I like him, it's just a shame he's 29 and not 23. There doesn't seem like much point keeping him around if we can move him out and get someone young in.

I too like Fernando and think he could have a role under Pep. My only concern, he's shown little to no flexibility in his time here.
Pep requires flexibility.
Hopefully he can adapt, as he probably isn't worth selling now.
That's because it's actually logical.

You berating one manager for doing one thing, then absolving another for doing the identical thing is illogical.

Pep is proving what? It's a totally different ball park. Pep has spent £100 million plus, has the unequivical backing of the club and the fans. Comparing that to a man who the fans wanted rid of, knew was going, knew himself he was going and had players bought for him is.........Illogical.

As I say though, stop trying to compare the two, one is far better than the other. Pep is far better and I've always maintained that.

It's simply not the same. I can only imagine your response had Pellegrini knowing he was effectively fired wanted to replace Hart. I'm sure you'd have backed that.

At 4-0 up Pep decided to give three senior pros a bit more game time. Something you would have slagged Pellegrini for. Yet Pep has a plan. Yes, same as all managers get your senior pros fit and keep them fit.
I have no problem whatsoever with a manager keeping senior players happy.

Double standards. If your illogical arguements don't belittle your points, your double standards do.

I'm glad you've enlightened me. I thought Pep & Txiki had contacts in Spain too.

I haven't read anything you posted here.

What part of 'stop mithering me' is so difficult to understand ?
I haven't read anything you posted here.

What part of 'stop mithering me' is so difficult to understand ?

You'd probably learn something.

Afterall I've just learnt the Pellegrini has contacts in Spain...... If only others employed by City had contacts there!

Perhaps try stopping slagging off our ex manager at every opportunity just to somehow vindicatr yourself.

Your lack of understanding of what I meant by that or deliberate misinterpretation, is why I don't want to discuss anything with you.

Please leave me alone.

Stop slagging the ex manager then, in some desperate attempt to vindicate yourself. Especially when you can't even do it right.
Stop slagging the ex manager then, in some desperate attempt to vindicate yourself. Especially when you can't even do it right.
The last manager nearly sent us backwards. Less than three weeks into the new managers reign and we're already seeing how much so.
Quite unbelievable really.
The last manager nearly sent us backwards. Less than three weeks into the new managers reign and we're already seeing how much so.
Quite unbelievable really.

There's no argument to Who's the better manager. What's the point of looking back?

Pellegrini isn't here anymore. He's gone. Replaced by the best there is.

But why slag the ex manager? Especially for reasons beyond his controle? There's plenty to slag him for if people feel it necessary or it makes them feel better. But players he didn't sign, Nasri returning fat or Pep not fancying Denayer either are hardly fair sticks to beat him with and utterly pointless and all about ego for me.

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