Zelda isn’t that great IMO, it’s good, but nowhere near as good as OOT or Majoras Mask. Buying Super Mario tomorrow, can’t wait.
As a man who has been playing Zelda games for literally 20 years I fucking loved BOTW. Was genuinely sad when it ended and sank 130 hours into it. OoT hasn't aged well at all and i once called that my favourite game ever.
it does look good. the problem with nintendo for me is the lack of good games. its mainly just zelda, mario and maybe bayonetta that i think are any good.
Nintendo does amazing games well that just *feel* different to anyone else, that's why I love them. Since I've had my Switch i've played Zelda (which took me literally 3 months to finish), Sonic Mania, Splatoon 2, Mario Rabbids (Genuinely highly enjoyable - surprised me how much i got into it), Mario Kart, Snipper Clips and now i've got the third Mario game on this console haha. I'll also be getting Doom, Yooka-Laylee when it comes out, Skyrim (never played it), LA Noire (same again) and whatever else ends up on this.
The best thing about the Switch is the console itself. It's unbelievably likeable. 7 out of 10 games feel like an 8 at least cos of how portable they become. It feels like a new experience. I sit there on the bus in the morning playing a Zelda or Mario game. It's a bizarre but brilliant feeling. I literally take it everywhere with me at all times. Playing high end games like that on the go is a surreal experience. There's so far been a very good, very big game every other month and more and more developers are getting on board due to the success its had so far.
I've got a PS4 for your more high fidelity games like Uncharted, GTAs or whatever, and the Switch is this amazing companion that works perfectly doing its own thing without trying to compete.
I got my switch out at work the other day and we played Mario Kart sat in the work canteen. How fucking mint is that?