Waste of time doing that.
My advice is to:
find someone who has a PSN ID (who you can trust)
they (or you) buy the game online.
Then the other person who hasn't bought it logs into the purchasers PSN account, and downloads the game to their HDD.
Log out of the account and back into yours... You're then able to play the game for free.
Ethically, you could go halves on the cost of the game.
Anyone played Wasteland 2? On offer for £15 on the Xbox store at the moment. I know its an old school RPG just wondering if it takes a while to get in to
Elite Dangerous. Not played much lately however a new patch and Horizons and The Engineers expansions are out on Xbox One next week so will give it a go
Fps Multiplayer bods, overwatch is where it's at
I'm a boring old fart!
Cities Skylines with loads of added mods.
Takes a lot of learning to learn how to run plays but once you become familiar with the players on your team and what they're good and bad at, it's brilliant. Best looking sports game I have seen too and easily the best gameplay wise. Just requires patience but it's well worth the learning curve.I might try this nice one
Come on anyone got a Steam account?
Yeah mate, Gamer tag is Mancunian Prophecy, not sure if you'll find me though, the steam account finder is pretty useless sometimes
I've just got a decent laptop after spilling a glass of beer on my old one and so decided to login to my steam account. Reinstalled Civ 5 now that I have a laptop that can run it well on high settings. I forgot what a great game it is and now even better that it runs flawlessly. Bought Total War, Shogun 2 but not got into it yet but that looks good too.