Three weeks to Cyberpunk. The anti-hype has been interesting to watch. People saying it's going to be a big flop, LMAO, social media trends are a hell of a way of influencing your mind to ignore what's right in front of your eyes. And that's depth, worthwhile content. Not quite as much content as Ubi but all of it is wayyy more immersive and integrated into a single, whole experience..
About 5 minutes skimming journalists who are giving impressions of the previews, and a couple of lines of dialogue, and I'm putting my mortgage on this blowing every other story experience game out there away. Takeaway is that the city is lively as hell, the characters are plausible and relatable, side quests are indistinguishable from the main story, and everything unfolds so seemlessly you'll not even realise you're making choices and it's all changing. Same thing as Witcher III, combat won't be perfect, but there'll be more than one very different approach for you to mix and match from. Apparently one major difference is that you're not under attack from enemies most of the time, unlike constantly facing monsters in the wilds in TW2. More like the city sections in that regard.
PS5/Series X owners are going to be in gaming heaven, I'm sure. I'll still be using the same system I had to play Blood and Wine, but I'm confident it's going to be a special experience.
Forget Boris, CDPR will save a lot of Christmases this year.