Player Unknown Battleground (aka PUBG)
Early access via steam.
Basically a 100 player 'Battle Royale' FPS, where you can play solo, in pairs or as a squad of 4.
You start off by parachuting onto a 8km sq deserted island which has a mixture of indutrial, surbuban villages & towns, military areas connected by hills & farmland.
On landing you have to scavenge weapons from a machete up to rifles, and also modifications (like scopes), ammo, grenades and vehicles.
Over time the playing area is squeezed into an ever decreasing area, so the players are eventually forced to confront each other, plus there's other hazards like areas get carpet bombed randomly.
Pretty addictive and easyish to play (but really hard to master)
Unless you've got a really high end machine it runs like dogshit, and will crash frequently through lack of memory.
At £26 for early access it's a bit pricey