pudge said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
well Bryan obviously, that's inevitable, but it will be interesting to see if they twist it, might depend on whether they actually want Lesnar to go into Mania as champ if he's going to piss off to UFC straight after.
I don't see why Bryan would win this year nor why he would be expected to win.
In fact, it would be Bootista part 2, ironically.
I think it's the opposite, as the fans felt cheated at last year's Rumble and there's a danger of someone like Reigns, who hasn't exactly been hot with his Vince promos in recent weeks, being turned on if he gets in the way of Bryan getting what the fans could see as Rumble payback.
That's not my personal view, as I'd rather Reigns not win as he's dull and I think Lesnar/Reigns would suck, but I'd be happy for a twist of some sort, and it would be nice, although it will never happen, for someone like Ziggler to win to really further the Authority/Rebels storyline, but that would only really work if Rollins walked out with the belt. Personally, I'd rather see a Shield Triple Threat match at Mania to finally have that 3 way feud, but they seem intent on denting Ambrose.