General Wrestling Thread

You want to put a 51 year old man, who has had multiple injuries including a broken neck, into the same ring as Suplex City's very own Brock Lesnar?

You may be swayed by a cocky podcast but he would die in that ring and he knows it. He couldn't carry that match, it would be on Lesnar to do so and if that were to happen he would fuck him up, literally. Different to the streak given they have gone full Beastmode on Lesnar since then. He's also on the verge of a complete face turn and to feud with Austin would ruin that. You didn't like Michaels/Hogan, well, you'd run the risk of that happening all over again if you didn't want Austin tossed around like a rag doll. The man's had his neck fused more times than Cena's suffered a German suplex, it ain't happening.

As for the Shield angle, sorry, but I'm not the one who's wrong. What are you doing with Orton over these 15 months? How are you just gonna drop Lesnar from the title picture given his absence is due to his insistence on a rematch that he hasn't got yet.

I'm just going off what Vince clearly wants to happen, or it wouldn't have been brought up in the podcast.

The Shield angle is money, it would be the end of a 2 year feud and it's what people will want to see, besides them not all facing off at some point soon in their own 3 way feud will end up making them look slightly bizarre.

Of course the alternative is probably going down JR's path of Lesnar/Rollins at WM32, with Lesnar on a huge babyface chase that ends up with him as champion, but then we have the same run as last year where Brock doesn't turn up and defend and we wait about 6 months till Reigns inevitably takes it off him. There are positives to it, but I think I'd rather see the dynamic of the Shield feuding over the belt and getting each other over as stars, I don't think Lesnar needs the belt and gives him fresher feuds, you don't want to go back to 2012/13 Lesnar, it has to be 2014/15 Lesnar all the way, and to do that he needs to keep the opponents and decimation fresh. However, In this alternative scenario, I would have Lesnar need to beat Reigns at Battleground to get his shot at Summerslam, do so, then Lesnar get screwed at Summerslam and go on the chase. Lesnar would get into the Rumble, have to enter #1, and he would eliminate every other superstar in the match, all 29, and go on to Mania and crush Rollins. Then you'd get Heyman to brag about this to the point people get sick of Brock and want Reigns to shut him up, and thus Reigns would then go over and Brock can move on from title stuff to something like Rock v Brock.

Problem is, Rollins is looking too weak at the moment due to his booking, so there would have to be some monumental cheating going on at Summerslam, and not just the better scenario which is "how can this clever architect Rollins outsmart Lesnar", it will be "how can this lucky bastard Rollins get bailed out of this one", the mentality is hugely different and affects Rollins greatly.

Though like I said, whilst that could be great short-term TV I'd rather see the long-term view of getting all 3 of The Shield over as stars, feuding for the belt and getting each other over.
Got to say I think WWE is slowly getting there and rebuilding. No super Cena also to push Kevin Owens into the main WWE was the highlight for me. Kevin Owens if they build up him from his win on Cena they could well build him up to win the World Championship at Wrestlemania next year. Have him going on a winning streak unbeaten on Raw as he has got the fans and his promos are good.

Also think NXT have the real talent and with them slowly being pushed into the main WWE there is every chance that WWE will slowly build up these new NXT stars into the new Hogan and Rocks of the world. Hopefully Finn Balor will get the push soon enough as if he is marketed well he can so a lot on the main roster so many different things he can do.
I'm just going off what Vince clearly wants to happen, or it wouldn't have been brought up in the podcast.

The Shield angle is money, it would be the end of a 2 year feud and it's what people will want to see, besides them not all facing off at some point soon in their own 3 way feud will end up making them look slightly bizarre.

Of course the alternative is probably going down JR's path of Lesnar/Rollins at WM32, with Lesnar on a huge babyface chase that ends up with him as champion, but then we have the same run as last year where Brock doesn't turn up and defend and we wait about 6 months till Reigns inevitably takes it off him. There are positives to it, but I think I'd rather see the dynamic of the Shield feuding over the belt and getting each other over as stars, I don't think Lesnar needs the belt and gives him fresher feuds, you don't want to go back to 2012/13 Lesnar, it has to be 2014/15 Lesnar all the way, and to do that he needs to keep the opponents and decimation fresh. However, In this alternative scenario, I would have Lesnar need to beat Reigns at Battleground to get his shot at Summerslam, do so, then Lesnar get screwed at Summerslam and go on the chase. Lesnar would get into the Rumble, have to enter #1, and he would eliminate every other superstar in the match, all 29, and go on to Mania and crush Rollins. Then you'd get Heyman to brag about this to the point people get sick of Brock and want Reigns to shut him up, and thus Reigns would then go over and Brock can move on from title stuff to something like Rock v Brock.

Problem is, Rollins is looking too weak at the moment due to his booking, so there would have to be some monumental cheating going on at Summerslam, and not just the better scenario which is "how can this clever architect Rollins outsmart Lesnar", it will be "how can this lucky bastard Rollins get bailed out of this one", the mentality is hugely different and affects Rollins greatly.

Though like I said, whilst that could be great short-term TV I'd rather see the long-term view of getting all 3 of The Shield over as stars, feuding for the belt and getting each other over.
You've already contradicted yourself.

First Reigns wins back to back Royal Rumbles but now Lesnar wins the rumble?

That angle is far from "money"
You've already contradicted yourself.

First Reigns wins back to back Royal Rumbles but now Lesnar wins the rumble?

That angle is far from "money"
No, I'm saying the Jim Ross alternative is Lesnar winning the Rumble. I'd still go for the Shield Triple Threat.

You just like disagreeing with me 2bh, says it all when clearly nonsensical finishes and booking clearly contradictory to the characters stated qualities gets your approval.
No, I'm saying the Jim Ross alternative is Lesnar winning the Rumble. I'd still go for the Shield Triple Threat.

You just like disagreeing with me 2bh, says it all when clearly nonsensical finishes and booking clearly contradictory to the characters stated qualities gets your approval.
Rollins is a cowardly champion, that's what he is. Hence J and J security, Kane, his tantrums over having to defend his title, running away from Lesnar after refusing the rematch etc. He talks the talk but cowers when he has to walk the walk. You're taking the "Architect" stuff too literally, that's just smoke and mirrors for his image; all talk, cockiness.

That's how he's booked; the guy you want to see get his comeuppance. Dirty tactics and annoying the crowd. It's not contradictory at all how they've played out any of his stories.

I disagree with people who don't acknowledge things as they are.
Still think they should pull the trigger on a Reigns heel turn at MITB. Have Reigns win the briefcase, Ambrose win the title and Reigns cashes in post-Main Event.
Rollins is a cowardly champion, that's what he is. Hence J and J security, Kane, his tantrums over having to defend his title, running away from Lesnar after refusing the rematch etc. He talks the talk but cowers when he has to walk the walk. You're taking the "Architect" stuff too literally, that's just smoke and mirrors for his image; all talk, cockiness.

That's how he's booked; the guy you want to see get his comeuppance. Dirty tactics and annoying the crowd. It's not contradictory at all how they've played out any of his stories.

I disagree with people who don't acknowledge things as they are.

I'm not, not acknowledging how things are, I'm saying how they are, is different to how he has been portrayed outside of matches and is a character conflict.

He's been labelled as the architect of the shield, if it's smoke and mirrors then Ambrose and Reigns would pull him up about it, but they don't, they go for the revenge because he outsmarted them, ditched them and got success. Thus his ring work should reflect that, and he should use dirty tactics and annoy the crowd, but he should win by outsmarting the opponent and really irritating the crowd, not by getting lucky through fluke decisions and constant interference.

And, if he's such a coward who can't walk the walk, how do you then explain his willingness to get in with Cena, going toe to toe at HIAC with Ambrose and his performance in the Royal Rumble Triple Threat, which were of opportunistic, outsmarting opponents Rollins style. Since he's been champ, he's been booked as lucky, bailed out Rollins, it's only changed slightly but that slight change is really noticeable and changes how he comes across.

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