George Floyd murder / Derek Chauvin guilty of murder

Let's get to the point, Duante Wright was a criminal, a kid who thought he was a gangster, who appears to have led his life believing there are no consequences to his actions; carrying handguns as if its cool, committing violent crimes. He was also wanted-and he knew that.

Secondly, dont buy that shite that this was about air fresheners. Criminals spend their life lying. Its never their fault.

How does that all lead to him being dead? How does that lead to people trashing their own communities and thieving?
Why does the media present such cases like this-hypebole, defund the police...

The real questions should be how did Duante Wright end up being the type of person he became? His family are everywhere now but where were they before? Where were they when he started down that path? It seems totally justifiable to commit crime, carry guns, take drugs, zero consequences until there is one-then its the police's fault.

Wright knew he was wanted and straight from the off he wouldve been looking for any opportunity to flee. He even drove off after being shot!

But the wider issue to resolving this goes much deeper-how to stop kids ending up in that position. Its way too simplistic to make it only about race. Socio-economic, education, opportunties, housing; and above all the breakdown in the family unit and in the US the availability of guns. Teaching kids that there are consequences to their behaviour. Not making martyrs out of violent criminals. Not shouting get rid of the law enforcers when the laws dont suit.

But there's the also the moment the shot is fired. Whilst we dont know the full facts (social media conviction is not yet a thing)-I argued for a long time that british police should not be routinely armed-simply because a mistake has wider consequences and in those few seconds when red mist can descend anything can happen.

All very complicated-so lets just have Wright as an angelic martyr, the cops as racist bastards and nick some trainers.


I think you're really angry inside. If this is your basic view about certain individuals, I would be uncertain about how you handled your former job.

I think you're really angry inside. If this is your basic view about certain individuals, I would be uncertain about how you handled your former job.
Weird, I’d be very certain as to how he probably handled it bud.
No it doesn't.

You need a permit to open or conceal carry, not to own a gun.
Transferee means the person to whom a gun is transferred. Unless you make your own I ASSUME you have to have it transferred to you. In IL, that is a FFL.
Again this excuse doesn't wash.

1) If she felt she was in fear for her life she would have drawn her gun on purpose, not her taser.
Didn’t use that “excuse” for her.
2) It's is explicitly prohibited by the Minneapols police guidelines to use a taser against someone operating machinery/vehicles.
Nor did I excuse the drawing of her taser, did I?
Also how tone-deaf and fucking deluded do you have to be to go on a rant about how every traffic stop is potential deadly for the cop when discussing the umpteenth murder of a black man during a police encounter?
“Tone deaf and fucking deluded”? We are talking about reality not your woke emotions!

“Murder? Here we go again!

You appear to be Judge, Jury and your own mind!

I’ll bet a dollar to a donut that she didn’t wake up that morning looking to satiate he blood lust or plan the murder of a black motorist! Nor did she wake up thinking it was about to be the worst day of her life due to her mistakes.

Lets not let the facts get in the way of the latest woke agenda, though, shall we?!

“Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing, with a total 213 civilians having been shot, 30 of whom were Black, in the first three months of 2021.”

And NONE OF THAT minimizes the death of a single, white, blue or Orange!
Didn’t use that “excuse” for her.

Nor did I excuse the drawing of her taser, did I?

“Tone deaf and fucking deluded”? We are talking about reality not your woke emotions!

“Murder? Here we go again!

You appear to be Judge, Jury and your own mind!

I’ll bet a dollar to a donut that she didn’t wake up that morning looking to satiate he blood lust or plan the murder of a black motorist! Nor did she wake up thinking it was about to be the worst day of her life due to her mistakes.

Lets not let the facts get in the way of the latest woke agenda, though, shall we?!

“Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing, with a total 213 civilians having been shot, 30 of whom were Black, in the first three months of 2021.”

And NONE OF THAT minimizes the death of a single, white, blue or Orange!
it has been ruled a homocide. Your gun culture fucking stinks
Ever been in a situation where your fight-or-flight instinct kicks in?

It's primal, and very hard to control.

It's just primal, it's a learned response from seeing Black men shot and killed without consequence. He would have probably had it drummed into him about the police.

Even Denzel Washington had "the talk" with his own children.

What a life, eh?
'George Floyd didn't deserve to die like that, but he was a criminal'
'Duante Wright didn't deserve to die like that, but he resisted arrest'

Notice how some people of a certain political, and maybe social, persuasion will word their opinions like above.
And then when pulled up on it they claim they aren't justifying the death of the person involved.

So why wouldn't they word it initially...

'George Floyd was a criminal but he didn't deserve to die like that'
'Duante Wright resisted arrest but he didn't deserve to die like that'

The sentences are identical, but which one someone might choose to use tells me plenty about that individual.

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