Germany's far right

That isn't Germany though?
The far right do seem to be getting up a head of steam across Europe though. Off the top of my head the UK, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland and now possibly Austria are all seeing right wing parties getting unusually large shares of the popular vote. I think some of the eastern European countries also have quite a significant issue with neo Nazis.
Not sure if it is really heading anywhere beyond a protest vote which will recede once better economic times return and we find some sort of commonsense approach to immigration.
That isn't Germany though?
The far right do seem to be getting up a head of steam across Europe though. Off the top of my head the UK, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland and now possibly Austria are all seeing right wing parties getting unusually large shares of the popular vote. I think some of the eastern European countries also have quite a significant issue with neo Nazis.
Not sure if it is really heading anywhere beyond a protest vote which will recede once better economic times return and we find some sort of commonsense approach to immigration.
Poland did vote out the PiS so there is progress, and if Trump is paying attention one of the main drivers was women’s rights. In former Communist countries the tendency seems to be go to the right from fear and hatred of Communism. Though some still cosy up to Putin it take Russian cash. Communist can also be easily be replaced with Russia.

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