Get Behind Robinho

bluem0ng said:
hilts said:
so you think he has been a success so far at city then do you? if you think he has lived up to his reputation so far then it is you that knows nothing about football, also it is 2 games in three days and i hardly think the last game would have wiped him out, he is either a typical example of a self indulgent over pampered proffesional footballer or cannot hack the pace pf the premiership

Of course he has been a success, you only have to look at his record last season and how he played in the majority of games. He's not suddenly become a bad player just because he is trying to find his form after being injured.

i would rethink the majority of games part
Why this needs 40 pages is beyond me. We all want him to do well. He's clearly going through a rough time at the minute so why don't we get behind him?

He's been out for the best part of 10 weeks. He's come back into a team that frankly, looks devoid of ideas. Saturday was his first game back where you'd expect something from him and he was poor. Big deal. You move on to the next game.

I've stopped reading newspaper articles on him now because they're all the same cliched rubbish about him not tracking back and being lazy. It's frankly untrue. Again on Saturday, despite him being half fit he was still closing down the defender on the ball. I see his body language when something goes wrong and i see how he celebrates when we score a goal and i know how desperate he is to find his form again. I actually think he's probably more desperate than half the people on here who can't wait to pull out the 'told you so' card everytime he miscontrols the ball.
ono said:
Why this needs 40 pages is beyond me. We all want him to do well. He's clearly going through a rough time at the minute so why don't we get behind him?

He's been out for the best part of 10 weeks. He's come back into a team that frankly, looks devoid of ideas. Saturday was his first game back where you'd expect something from him and he was poor. Big deal. You move on to the next game.

I've stopped reading newspaper articles on him now because they're all the same cliched rubbish about him not tracking back and being lazy. It's frankly untrue. Again on Saturday, despite him being half fit he was still closing down the defender on the ball. I see his body language when something goes wrong and i see how he celebrates when we score a goal and i know how desperate he is to find his form again. I actually think he's probably more desperate than half the people on here who can't wait to pull out the 'told you so' card everytime he miscontrols the ball.
Nah it's far better to get on his back and start calling for him to be substituted 5 minutes into a game, it's what all the best supporters do and it's bound to encourage him while at the same time bolstering his confidence, it's the future.
He turned the game tonight with that pass to Tevez - absolutely breathtaking.
He needs to start at Boro and give Bellers a rest, he needs some confidence back, playing a lower league side is the perfect time to drift him back in, his pass to Tevez for the 3rd tonight was sublime.
He turned the game tonight with that pass to Tevez - absolutely breathtaking.

are you serious? i,d rather say garridos free kick,bellamys dummy and turn,and tevezs strike turned the game , not a pretty standard square ball , if that was breathtaking you need to get out more !
I'm happy with how he is being used at the moment. Rotating with Bellamy to play upfront/wide left, with a sub coming 75 minutes in to the game.

It's a good way of building his fitness and building his confidence. Most might think that these 10 minute stretches don't matter, but his best chance of scoring is in the last ten minutes against weak legs. He only needs a goal and then he'll be fine again.

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