Get it off your chest..

Hate to veer from the hilarious responses, but you probably want to get that seen to mate, don't leave it til it's too late.

You think? Just thought it was increased stress or something.

Might give NHS Direct a ring to be on the safe side, cheers fella
Saw you write what you called a "Damocles like deconstruction" the other day where you took apart somebody's post and destroyed every single thing resembling a point they made over the course of 10,000 words. A single prideful tear rolled down my face whilst reading.

haha, once in a blue moon I can muster a post of your calibre.
Women driving on motorways can fuck off. No spatial awareness, no idea that if overtaking try and at least match the speed of the lane you are joining and no idea when to turn off the indicator...stay on the fucking 'b' roads or get a man to drive you.
You think? Just thought it was increased stress or something.

Might give NHS Direct a ring to be on the safe side, cheers fella
It could be nothing, probably is nothing, but you don't want to leave it and die from a brain tumour in 6 months.
I've had some weird increased cranial pressure for the couple of week or so and started getting nosebleeds. You forget how truly inconvenient a nosebleed is until you have you one in a meeting and people look at like like you've got ebola or something.


You'll probably find that you'll be ok for the next few days
Got to make another voodoo doll, could't find the one I made when I looked this morning
The night staff where i work are wankers who do the square root of fuck all and leave me wiv to much to do which makes me stress out and have banging fucking headaches all day.

@Damocles I too have been having nosebleeds of late. Im Not sure if its linked with my post but yes its annoying. Ive heard you should get it checked out if its frequently coming from both nostrils? Mine is just my right.
The night staff where i work are wankers who do the square root of fuck all and leave me wiv to much to do which makes me stress out and have banging fucking headaches all day.

@Damocles I too have been having nosebleeds of late. Im Not sure if its linked with my post but yes its annoying. Ive heard you should get it checked out if its frequently coming from both nostrils? Mine is just my right.

I was getting them a lot not long ago. Figured it was the air conditioning.
Either that, or a bit of death setting in.

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