Give Eastlands its Kippax

coops said:
Think we need to be realistic, the away fans currently get all 114, 113, 213, 214 and half of 115, 112, 215 and 212. Which means we would need to give them 110, 111, 112, 113 and the same again above to sort segregation. Still possible though move 110,111,211 and 212 into 114, 115, 214 and 215. Would give us nearly the full end change the fecibg outside will Defo work!!
This seems to be what everyone is suggesting. Seems really simple and would be top. I think the reason it won't be done is because there's money to be made from it.
jrb said:
No problem.

When this was first discussed in ernest on BM I put a few ideas forward. Not Long after I got an invite by Danny Wilson to meet him.(I'm sure he won't mind me posting that)

He kindly went through a lengthy presentation(laptop/screen/bullet points/diagrams, etc) explaining why the away fans can't be moved. There are numerous reasons, but the main ones being, the location of the entrances and exits, access to amenities, H&S issues, policing, etc.

The club have looked into this in detail, talking to the various authorities and looking at every possible scenario. Unfortunately it just couldn't be done.

However, if the stadium is eventually expanded, reloacting the away fans will be one of the main considerations. And so will giving a whole end of the expanded stadium to City's vocal support. :-)

Thanks for that mate
I cant wait for the day when they decide an expansion is on the cards if thats the case
I personally cannot see the problem, surely it is only a case of unscrewing a few gates and putting them 200 yards to the left?

It badly needs doing as at the moment there is only around 500 people making any atmosphere in blocks 110 and 111. Now for a top club in a 47,000 stadium that is disgraceful.
cant be arsed reading all the technical jargon,all i know is that we need to OWN THE SOUTH STAND as ours,stick the away fans in the s/e corner,the logistics of this should not be a problem in this day n age.i bid you goonight n godbless.
Anonymous said:
gaz76 said:
If i remember correctly the kippax was at the side of the pitch and not behind the goal. If the people who go in the south stand want the kippax back why don't they pay the extra few quid to sit at the side? The atmosphere is better in 111 etc. And so is the view of the game. This idea will never happen

Irrelevant of where the stand was posistioned. The Kippax was the heart of Maine Road where the atmosphere was generated. The south stand is the heart of Eastlands where the atmosphere is generated. All we are saying is give us the stand and move the away fans to the side abit to accommodate more blues.

If it doesn't work then never mind but at least we had a go at trying to change things.

I remember the old Kippax, but Dad and I always went in the main stand. I agree that it was the heart of Maine Road, but it has to run the full length of the pitch on one side.

Having a Kippax end would deny its nature.<br /><br />-- Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:39 pm --<br /><br />
the old abbey said:
cant be arsed reading all the technical jargon,all i know is that we need to OWN THE SOUTH STAND as ours,stick the away fans in the s/e corner,the logistics of this should not be a problem in this day n age.i bid you goonight n godbless.

Well I'm gonna contradict myself but I agree.

They were originally called stands because people stood, but in my humble opinion, life changed when people had to sit down.
I have said it before and i will say it again, the only way it can be done in my mind is to relocate the singing section to the 'NORTH STAND' it would take a lot of work both inside the ground and outside the ground to rehouse away fans, and there may well be no alternative for the away coach park. , there doesn't have to be any building work to relocate our singing section to the North stand just the problem of re-sitting those that are already there. The problem has arisen because of all the Danny Dyers wanting to be next to the away fans to have the 'banter' and the cost of that has been to split our sections, and give the advantage in the noise stakes to the away fans. Can the 'boys' not tear themselves away from the away fans and set up en mass at the opposite end of the ground in the North they do in most other football grounds with atmosphere. To make that end standing would be the best option, but i can't see that happening...
pauldominic said:
They were originally called stands because people stood, but in my humble opinion, life changed when people had to sit down.

Everyone in the blocks concerned and away fans stand all game anyway.<br /><br />-- Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:58 pm --<br /><br />
pedigreeblue said:
I have said it before and i will say it again, the only way it can be done in my mind is to relocate the singing section to the 'NORTH STAND' it would take a lot of work both inside the ground and outside the ground to rehouse away fans, and there may well be no alternative for the away coach park. , there doesn't have to be any building work to relocate our singing section to the North stand just the problem of re-sitting those that are already there. The problem has arisen because of all the Danny Dyers wanting to be next to the away fans to have the 'banter' and the cost of that has been to split our sections, and give the advantage in the noise stakes to the away fans. Can the 'boys' not tear themselves away from the away fans and set up en mass at the opposite end of the ground in the North they do in most other football grounds with atmosphere. To make that end standing would be the best option, but i can't see that happening...

It really wouldn't take to much work, move a few fences etc.
Moving the away fans to the south east corner would be by far the easiest option because we could do a block for block swap between the current singing section and away fans. Messing about with the North Stand again isn't even worth considering.

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