
I don't think anyone appreciates how good a player like Given is till they have him in their own backyard. He's been, singlehandedly Newcastle's best player for them for years, and one of the best Irish players on the pitch every time we take the field. He's so consistant for years, and it's not like it's his peak, it's the same thing, year after year. And the more hectic things get and the more stresfull and panicked the situation becomes, the better he gets, he haven't seen Given at his best till you see him with his back to the wall with idiots like Bramble in front of him or the likes of Paul MCShane, and it's on nights like that where you think the lad can fly. And you wonder why the likes of even VDS, who's not even that good, gets keeper of the year for keeping all those clean sheets, when if we're honest about it, it had very little to do with him and more to do with the outstanding defence in front of him. I wouldn't switch Given for anyone. Best buy City will make.

He gets no credit, the media will fall over and praise the likes of Robinho and co but Given, no matter how fantastic he is will never get a mention, t was the same at Newcastle, the amount of times he would keep Newcaslte in the game, and then Owen/Martins would score a goal and they'd steal the headlines when you've got this lad right up at the front line.

The only time I remember seeing him grab the backline page and peoples attention, and probably what attracted City to him, was after the Liverpool game against Newcastle where Liverpool won 5-1 and Given was still worthy of the MOTM awand iard, despite conceding 5 goals. He was spectacular. And people were geninely feeling sorry for him, and I remember sitting there watching it and thinking why is he the only one who looks like he cares, everyone else was expresionless and this lad was snapping. That game brought him to us, because that game broke his spirit. I remember thinking how unfair that seems to be on him, and what a waste he was at Newcaslte.

He's so underated, doesn't get credit, and doesn't really take credit either like most of our "stars" would. Any time he's praised, in any interview it'll go back to either the back 4 were outstanding as well, made my job easier..etc or something like I don't know about that (say the interview called him spectacular) I'm just doing what I'm paid to do, and he ends off talking it down and praising someone else.

You couldn't ask for a better keeper or a niccer gent to be honest. Absolutely fantastic again tonight.

,,,,And you wonder why Newcaslte are sitting in the Championship, wondering where it all went wrong.
Robinho11 said:
Why isn't he considered one of the best in the world?
Because he's never player for a big club who are usually in the final 8 of the Champions League. Anyone who watches him regulary and I think most people who watch the Prem tbh would consider him as one of the best!
Robinho11 said:
Why isn't he considered one of the best in the world?

He wasn't on the "big stage" instead he was just putting up with clowns like Bramble in front of him that I'm sure most have made his life a living hell.
He's not seen in Europe and Ireland have made it to a campaign since the WC in 02. You just don't get as noticed playing with Newcaslte/Ireland as you do with Man U/England..etc.
But I'd still take him over any keeper, including VDS who seems to be nothing but a liability at times or whatever clown is in the English goals.

If he ended up in Arsenal there a few years ago then the story might have been different by now, but hopefully we'll have Given on the big stage soon enough.
one of the best keeper in the world
when you have a goal keeper like Given you feel safe and that a lion guard your lair :)
I'm very happy that he is with us and i think he is the best in primer league.

i heared that buffon don't want to come to Man City it's not a big deal if we have Given
Of all the signings we have made, for me he is the best.

The best signing Mr Hughes has made, IMO.
Best and most consistant keeper in the prem. Stupidly underated by everybody but the team he's at.
We're lucky to get him as well as I reckon another season or two at Newcastle and the rags would have been after him.

He's the best keeper in England, and could walk into almost any team in Europe bar those clubs with the cream of the crop of goalkeepers, and to me he is one of them, he just doesnt have a fancy name to go with it.

It was always going to be Given or Boruc for us, not Buffon. Would take Given any day because of how well he fits in. And hes Irish.
MOTM twice for me and close second another time this month! I've only seen 1 really good defensive performance and that was against Barcelona! Given definately desrves player of the month at this rate!

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