Glass 9/10 full

bluecroi said:
Look, I'm all for postivies. Yes, we're in an amazing position, one we wouldn't have dared dream about a few years ago. We've had 2 stupid losses in a row against two big teams, ya it wasn't the premiership, but no we shouldn't feel good about it. We're annoyed, so we should be.

We played shit, Iwe've lost 2 games in a row. We're allowed to get annoyed.

We all appreciate that we're not going to play well all season that's obvious.
When you are on top of your game, in reality, there is only one way to go.
That's all fine.

But without taking it over the top, people should be allowed to be annoyed for 5 minutes. We don't have to sit in a circle holding hands, singing and smilling.

We give credit when credit is due, we praise them when they do well, so we will criticise them when they play like they played tonight.
I'm not going to be positive for the sake of being postive. Things aren't always going to be sunshine and daisies.

We'll get over it, just give us 5 minutes to get it out of the system.
We are excited about what the future holds and all that, but right now we saw a pretty average attempt to win a game, so like I said, give us 5 minutes.

If we'd played last night with a full strength squad then I could accept some of the numptiness on here but we didnt and we lost to a youngsters mistake..we have good depth in the squad but what must be taken into consideration is the amount of players out at the moment....No matter how strong the squad its the numbers brought in which matters!! 1 or 2 at a time is better than 4/5 because this makes the teams mindset totally different as we saw last night...
bluecroi said:
Look, I'm all for postivies. Yes, we're in an amazing position, one we wouldn't have dared dream about a few years ago. We've had 2 stupid losses in a row against two big teams, ya it wasn't the premiership, but no we shouldn't feel good about it. We're annoyed, so we should be.

We played shit, Iwe've lost 2 games in a row. We're allowed to get annoyed.

We all appreciate that we're not going to play well all season that's obvious.
When you are on top of your game, in reality, there is only one way to go.
That's all fine.

But without taking it over the top, people should be allowed to be annoyed for 5 minutes. We don't have to sit in a circle holding hands, singing and smilling.

We give credit when credit is due, we praise them when they do well, so we will criticise them when they play like they played tonight.
I'm not going to be positive for the sake of being postive. Things aren't always going to be sunshine and daisies.

We'll get over it, just give us 5 minutes to get it out of the system.
We are excited about what the future holds and all that, but right now we saw a pretty average attempt to win a game, so like I said, give us 5 minutes.


Not one blue is happy with the run of form. We're all as dissapointed as you. However, getting on players and the managers backs ("the truth about xxxx" threads flooding the board, "has Mancini lost the plot", "wholesale changes req'd" etc) is bollocks
01MANC said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Ah it's the obligatory "Remember that York wasn't built in a top of the league FFS" thread.

Can someone enlighten me as to what "York wasn't built in a top of the league" means please?


It means that for years on this forum, whenever discussion starts analysing a disappointing performance, some clown starts telling everyone:

"We were playing York away 10 years ago FFS"
"We're top of the league(4th/5th/6th) FFS
"Rome wasn't built in a day FFS"
"We've become spoilt FFS"

They always use "FFS" for some reason. And refer to "so called supporters".

In their worlds the the fact that we used to be shit means that criticism is not allowed.
Didsbury Dave said:
01MANC said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Ah it's the obligatory "Remember that York wasn't built in a top of the league FFS" thread.

Can someone enlighten me as to what "York wasn't built in a top of the league" means please?


It means that for years on this forum, whenever discussion starts analysing a disappointing performance, some clown starts telling everyone:

"We were playing York away 10 years ago FFS"
"We're top of the league(4th/5th/6th) FFS
"Rome wasn't built in a day FFS"
"We've become spoilt FFS"

They always use "FFS" for some reason. And refer to "so called supporters".

In their worlds the the fact that we used to be shit means that criticism is not allowed.

Thanks for the clarification. Go ahead and criticise. Its a free country. Hope it makes you feel better. You can have a "told you so" party with all the others. Did you get many attendees at last seasons "told you so party". You know, all the posters wanting rid of Yaya as a prime example.
01MANC said:
bluecroi said:
Look, I'm all for postivies. Yes, we're in an amazing position, one we wouldn't have dared dream about a few years ago. We've had 2 stupid losses in a row against two big teams, ya it wasn't the premiership, but no we shouldn't feel good about it. We're annoyed, so we should be.

We played shit, Iwe've lost 2 games in a row. We're allowed to get annoyed.

We all appreciate that we're not going to play well all season that's obvious.
When you are on top of your game, in reality, there is only one way to go.
That's all fine.

But without taking it over the top, people should be allowed to be annoyed for 5 minutes. We don't have to sit in a circle holding hands, singing and smilling.

We give credit when credit is due, we praise them when they do well, so we will criticise them when they play like they played tonight.
I'm not going to be positive for the sake of being postive. Things aren't always going to be sunshine and daisies.

We'll get over it, just give us 5 minutes to get it out of the system.
We are excited about what the future holds and all that, but right now we saw a pretty average attempt to win a game, so like I said, give us 5 minutes.


Not one blue is happy with the run of form. We're all as dissapointed as you. However, getting on players and the managers backs ("the truth about xxxx" threads flooding the board, "has Mancini lost the plot", "wholesale changes req'd" etc) is bollocks

Agreed the over the top stuff is a bit of a joke and there's no need for it, but people saying to smile everything's great is a bit over the top as well. There's flaws in the team, and mistakes were made.

I understand the need to be postive but there's a need to acknowledge the negatives as well.
samharris said:
bluecroi said:
Look, I'm all for postivies. Yes, we're in an amazing position, one we wouldn't have dared dream about a few years ago. We've had 2 stupid losses in a row against two big teams, ya it wasn't the premiership, but no we shouldn't feel good about it. We're annoyed, so we should be.

We played shit, Iwe've lost 2 games in a row. We're allowed to get annoyed.

We all appreciate that we're not going to play well all season that's obvious.
When you are on top of your game, in reality, there is only one way to go.
That's all fine.

But without taking it over the top, people should be allowed to be annoyed for 5 minutes. We don't have to sit in a circle holding hands, singing and smilling.

We give credit when credit is due, we praise them when they do well, so we will criticise them when they play like they played tonight.
I'm not going to be positive for the sake of being postive. Things aren't always going to be sunshine and daisies.

We'll get over it, just give us 5 minutes to get it out of the system.
We are excited about what the future holds and all that, but right now we saw a pretty average attempt to win a game, so like I said, give us 5 minutes.

If we'd played last night with a full strength squad then I could accept some of the numptiness on here but we didnt and we lost to a youngsters mistake..we have good depth in the squad but what must be taken into consideration is the amount of players out at the moment....No matter how strong the squad its the numbers brought in which matters!! 1 or 2 at a time is better than 4/5 because this makes the teams mindset totally different as we saw last night...

One individual mistake that we had 90 minutes to fix but we didn't.
We were outplayed for the first half, a bit better in the second but Liverpool stopped playing.
It's not about the fact that we lost, you play and you lose to a better team on the night, that's fine.
It was about the attitude. For the second time in a row our attitude wasn't great.
01MANC said:
Didsbury Dave said:
01MANC said:
Can someone enlighten me as to what "York wasn't built in a top of the league" means please?


It means that for years on this forum, whenever discussion starts analysing a disappointing performance, some clown starts telling everyone:

"We were playing York away 10 years ago FFS"
"We're top of the league(4th/5th/6th) FFS
"Rome wasn't built in a day FFS"
"We've become spoilt FFS"

They always use "FFS" for some reason. And refer to "so called supporters".

In their worlds the the fact that we used to be shit means that criticism is not allowed.

Thanks for the clarification. Go ahead and criticise. Its a free country. Hope it makes you feel better. You can have a "told you so" party with all the others. Did you get many attendees at last seasons "told you so party". You know, all the posters wanting rid of Yaya as a prime example.

Hard to know what you are trying to say here but it still appears to be : "You must not criticise our players"
Didsbury Dave said:
01MANC said:
Didsbury Dave said:
It means that for years on this forum, whenever discussion starts analysing a disappointing performance, some clown starts telling everyone:

"We were playing York away 10 years ago FFS"
"We're top of the league(4th/5th/6th) FFS
"Rome wasn't built in a day FFS"
"We've become spoilt FFS"

They always use "FFS" for some reason. And refer to "so called supporters".

In their worlds the the fact that we used to be shit means that criticism is not allowed.

Thanks for the clarification. Go ahead and criticise. Its a free country. Hope it makes you feel better. You can have a "told you so" party with all the others. Did you get many attendees at last seasons "told you so party". You know, all the posters wanting rid of Yaya as a prime example.

Hard to know what you are trying to say here but it still appears to be : "You must not criticise our players"

Dave...your compelling arguments have changed my mind...they deserve all the criticism they get. They must not ever have a bad run of form...its strictly forbidden. In the event they do, then I agree we should all forget the fact they've been fantastic most of the time, lay right into them I say, and suggest knee jerk replacements...because that's our 'right' as 'supporters' (ahem) and we'll criticise if we want.

As many on here have made it clear...criticism is ok...doesn't need to be constructive even...just criticise away...I'm going to give it a goes

You're a crap city supporter..there you go, there's some criticism for you. You breed negativity that in some small way ultimately finds its way from here onto the stands and onto the pitch. The discontent, boo's etc emanate from the likes of you. You seek only the negatives...and there are always negatives. If you were a Barcelona supporter you'd post about their defensive weaknesses. You'd complain that Guardiola has lost the plot not replacing the weak links and that wholesale changes are required.

You probably won't agree with the above statement...but I'm allowed to make criticisms aren't I, its my right as a poster.

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