GMP F*** Up Again

bodgecity said:
I was in block 216 today right next the the rags after the game we were headin out down to the concourse when all the pigs started pushin. I got down the stairs and heard a massive bang and in horror i saw a city fan lyin at the bottom of the stairs out cold with blood poorin from his head. I hope the lad is ok and hope the pig gets the book thrown at him. Just shows what a bunch of arse holes gmp are.
You cant say GIMP without G M P.
Chavvy utd tw@ts

Petetheblu said:
mcfc01 said:
I thought that police van was going to go reminded me of leeds in the cup a few years ago when a leeds van got tipped on its side.

Did that once myself and got hit by the aerial, had to go to the Docs a couple of days later..

...He said I had a nasty case of "VAN AERIALS DISEASE!!!!"


With jokes like that you'll be a gonner here.....
mcfcliam said:
Never seen a City mob like that for ages.

Hope they got to United and kicked the fuck out of every single one of them.
yes thats rite be an idiot and condone what happened out side, bet you mummy would be proud of you.....ffs
colinbellsboots said:
mcfcliam said:
Never seen a City mob like that for ages.

Hope they got to United and kicked the fuck out of every single one of them.
yes thats rite be an idiot and condone what happened out side, bet you mummy would be proud of you.....ffs
aww lets all hug and kiss and have peace awwwwww
colinbellsboots said:
mcfcliam said:
Never seen a City mob like that for ages.

Hope they got to United and kicked the fuck out of every single one of them.
yes thats rite be an idiot and condone what happened out side, bet you mummy would be proud of you.....ffs


They go around attacking women and children, they deserve what was coming to them.
loved it. if they wud have kept them inside and nothing wud have happened then i wud be disapointed. i was right next to the police van and seriously thought it was going over hahahaha

the police are wankers full stop.

never seen a mob the size of that before and they was raring to go and to be honest if they had let them out of the gates then the police wudnt be able to stop it.
Seems to be just me who didn't see any of this behaviour.

All I saw as I walked past the big metal fence was a few City fans banging and kicking it and then further up the road about 50 City fans together singing and chanting munich whilst looking threatening and walking quickly and some bouncing up and down, the usual hooligan thing.

Since the game heard a lot more than what I actually saw though.
LCBblue said:
Seems to be just me who didn't see any of this behaviour.

All I saw as I walked past the big metal fence was a few City fans banging and kicking it and then further up the road about 50 City fans together singing and chanting munich whilst looking threatening and walking quickly and some bouncing up and down, the usual hooligan thing.

Since the game heard a lot more than what I actually saw though.

you missed alot mate. there must have been at one point about 1000 blues all being pushed back down the road past the mary d's and the manchester. im not gunna lie i wanted to get at the rag bastards but when the dogs come out they made the difference everyone scattered.

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