GMP F*** Up Again

Shortly after the game on Saturday 2 city lads on a proper 60's scooter had a run in with some morons on Ashton New Rd just past the park and car wash. I passed them on Manor Rd near the school and the rider was being treated by a paramedic. Anyone know these lads? Were they o.k?
Glazers_Wallet said:
and what happend to the rag copper?
My mate had a word in his shell like.
The problem is and I might get hammered for this one, is being a cop isn't all that easy. You do make a lot of enemies just because of the job, and some make more enemies because of their behaviour.
Going at another cop would in my opinion cause some problems, might be another time they are working together and one needs the help of the other.
What I found particu;arly troubling was the fact that I am 44, my mate a similar age and the copper who had ago was also of a similar age. i don't look or behave like I want to cause trouble and my mate obviously doesn't so why as City fans are we easy targets?
there is definitely a bent towards the rags when it comes to policing the two grounds. At Old Trafford the remit is not to upset anyone where as at City the remit is not to let the City fans get away with anything.
Having said that West Yorkshire are by far the worst.
paul calfs tash said: Paul Scholes's winner for United in the third minute of stoppage time took Ferguson's team to within a point of Chelsea with three games to go and set off clashes outside the stadium between mounted police and a large group of City's supporters who were trying to confront the United fans. At the height of the trouble there was an attempt to overturn a police van. One fan was seen throwing horse dung at United's supporters with his bare hands.......Who the fuck picked the horse shit up?
i particularly like the last bit of the article -"The police have decided to take a tolerant line and will not raise the issue with United, the view being that the celebrations were not excessive. If anything, the police feel the United players helped keep the visiting fans in the stadium by congregating in front of the away section." which starts the whole debate again, why didnt the police keep them in the stadium?
Breadsnapper said:
The problem is that City have a bit of a rep with regards to hooligans. The command team that run the football for GMP have to keep the council sweet and also the people who live in the centre of Manchester free from as much dispruption as possible, hence the heavy tactics. Plus, and this is from someone who ITK, the one that runs City is absolutely useless. Police that work at OT are told to take a softly softly approach.
When we played Stoke I was called a Blue Bastard by an Inspector who then took great pleasure in telling me in his Bolton accent how magnificent the scum were. Just because I wanted to leave a certain way through a carpark. When I pointed out he should be speaking with people in a professional and impartial manner he told me to "fuck off". He told my mate who I was with, that tried to help to shut his fucking mouth before he got locked up because "HE HATED BITTER BLUES." What this cock didn't know was my mate is a Chief Inspector with GMP and a flash of his warrant card soon got it sorted. Unfortunately if you're a red, you're a cock. If you're a red and a cop well you have seen the results.

You seem to have a valid point that man. As we know.

I know we've already seen this video, but viewed once again it really is a joke. Numerous GMP looking away and turning a blind eye.

PS. And before anyone say's it was a one off. I saw similar scenes at the 4-3. Didn't involve City, but the Rags were throwing bottles and cans of beer all over the place, while GMP looked on and did nothing. Imagine that outside Mary D's.

jrb said:
Breadsnapper said:
The problem is that City have a bit of a rep with regards to hooligans. The command team that run the football for GMP have to keep the council sweet and also the people who live in the centre of Manchester free from as much dispruption as possible, hence the heavy tactics. Plus, and this is from someone who ITK, the one that runs City is absolutely useless. Police that work at OT are told to take a softly softly approach.
When we played Stoke I was called a Blue Bastard by an Inspector who then took great pleasure in telling me in his Bolton accent how magnificent the scum were. Just because I wanted to leave a certain way through a carpark. When I pointed out he should be speaking with people in a professional and impartial manner he told me to "fuck off". He told my mate who I was with, that tried to help to shut his fucking mouth before he got locked up because "HE HATED BITTER BLUES." What this cock didn't know was my mate is a Chief Inspector with GMP and a flash of his warrant card soon got it sorted. Unfortunately if you're a red, you're a cock. If you're a red and a cop well you have seen the results.

You seem to have a valid point that man. As we know.

I know we've already seen this video, but viewed once again it really is a joke. Numerous GMP looking away and turning a blind eye.


It's a disgrace actually rather than a joke. Other than have a big GMP banner up saying 'go on, give it to 'em lads' there's not much more they could have done to make it obvious they weren't arsed doing anything about it. Unless of course their special snatch squads were off camera, which obviously they must have been. Ha!
mackenzie said:
The police have decided to take a tolerant line and will not raise the issue with United, the view being that the celebrations were not excessive. If anything, the police feel the United players helped keep the visiting fans in the stadium by congregating in front of the away section.

I really want to PUKE at that last paragraph in The Guardian.

Saint fookin Manchester RAG SCUM.

You're forgetting their altruistic and selfless approach Sharon. Remember how, despite searing pain in his injured ankle, Rooney got up to pretend there was no problem just to avoid Vinnie getting a red card?
One of the other questions should be.

Have the police lost the ability to communicate on match days?

You'd think with all the training they've been through and all the 'public' procedures thay have to follow, they could do a bit better than, "Fuck off or I'll arrest you!" Regardless of the question and how it's asked.

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