Some data -
A study of grooming gangs has identified that 52 groups where ethnicity data was provided 26 were comprised of all Asian offenders (50 percent), 11 percent were all white (21 percent) and 9 percent had offenders from multiple ethnicities. 2 groups (4 perecent) were exclusively Arab groups.
Of the 306 offenders whose ethnicity was noted, 75 percent were categorised as Asian, 17 percent white and the remaining 8 percent black and 3 percent Arab.
97 percent of victims in the above samples were white.
The 27 court cases led to the convictions of 92 men. Some 79 (87 percent) were reported as being of South Asian Muslim origin.
So despite the fact that Muslims are a minority group that make up 7% of the population they overwhelmingly dominate rape and child abuse statistics.
And I quote one of our LWNJs;
So, if you can be arsed separating the words 'Muslim' from Paedo/ Grooming, you will find the truth in my original post that people of similar background will group together on certain things. The fact that they were Muslim, in these particular cases, does NOT separate them from other disgusting paedos that pray on our kids.
Paedos are fooking paedos.
Get that through your thick skulls.
I think we should look further into cultural issues that exist in some aspects of the Muslim community rather than simply label people as racists and RWNJ. I will repeat significant numbers the Muslim community recognise the extent of this problem and some young Muslim men's views on young white women as an issue.
A study of grooming gangs has identified that 52 groups where ethnicity data was provided 26 were comprised of all Asian offenders (50 percent), 11 percent were all white (21 percent) and 9 percent had offenders from multiple ethnicities. 2 groups (4 perecent) were exclusively Arab groups.
Of the 306 offenders whose ethnicity was noted, 75 percent were categorised as Asian, 17 percent white and the remaining 8 percent black and 3 percent Arab.
97 percent of victims in the above samples were white.
The 27 court cases led to the convictions of 92 men. Some 79 (87 percent) were reported as being of South Asian Muslim origin.
So despite the fact that Muslims are a minority group that make up 7% of the population they overwhelmingly dominate rape and child abuse statistics.
And I quote one of our LWNJs;
So, if you can be arsed separating the words 'Muslim' from Paedo/ Grooming, you will find the truth in my original post that people of similar background will group together on certain things. The fact that they were Muslim, in these particular cases, does NOT separate them from other disgusting paedos that pray on our kids.
Paedos are fooking paedos.
Get that through your thick skulls.
I think we should look further into cultural issues that exist in some aspects of the Muslim community rather than simply label people as racists and RWNJ. I will repeat significant numbers the Muslim community recognise the extent of this problem and some young Muslim men's views on young white women as an issue.