Gonna be a dad.

blue_bird said:
paphos-mcfc said:
Baby Alexander born just before 10pm our time. Not sure of the weight but Mrs and baby doing ok. Buzzing isn't the word. Well happy.

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk

Many many congratultions! Glad to hear mum and baby are doing well!

Do we have a weight yet?

You're lucky he remembered the sex!

You should know better Sue, it's like asking a bloke who's just been to a wedding on his own
'what was the dress/shoes/bridesmaids outfits like?'
Err white, err they were white too I think, err bridesmaids - oh yeah two were worth one and one was a minger.
What colour did they have on?
White too I think might have been lilac or blue though, but one had huge norks.
daveduke67 said:
blue_bird said:
paphos-mcfc said:
Baby Alexander born just before 10pm our time. Not sure of the weight but Mrs and baby doing ok. Buzzing isn't the word. Well happy.

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk

Many many congratultions! Glad to hear mum and baby are doing well!

Do we have a weight yet?

You're lucky he remembered the sex!

You should know better Sue, it's like asking a bloke who's just been to a wedding on his own
'what was the dress/shoes/bridesmaids outfits like?'
Err white, err they were white too I think, err bridesmaids - oh yeah two were worth one and one was a minger.
What colour did they have on?
White too I think might have been lilac or blue though, but one had huge norks.

HAhahahaha! Numpty.
Got a call early hours of the 20th whilst staying at friends in Nicosia to say that the Doctor wanted me at the hospital a.s.a.p for my consent to go ahead with an emergency operation as they picked something up on the x-ray.

Get there and they explained that his Esophagus (sp) had connected itself to his trachea and that they had to re-connect it to his Esophagus through surgery. By this time, I'd lost the will to live, bearing in mind he was only 1.5kg, thoughts of not seeing him again started to get into my head.

Anyway, late last night, they said that the operation had gone well and that he was back in ICU. The next 4-5 days are important to see if he makes any progress.
I'm still shitting myself as his life is so fragile at the moment and I really hope he pulls through. Here's a pic, taken a few hours ago from my phone.

Awwww he is gorgeous! All that dark hair too! :-)

Don't worry paphos he will be fine, the Doctors know what they're doing and will look after him for you and Mrs Paphos.

Best of luck to you all in the future!
First of all congratulations Paphos, always enjoy your posts and I'm overjoyed for you!
That is a lovely picture of your baby, he is a real stunner!!
You must be going out of your mind mate, I have a 17 month old baby girl and she is my angel...I love her to bits!!
Alex will be fine I'm sure pal, fuzzy is right!!
As de niro said...you are indeed a lucky man!

Congrats xx

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