good book suggestions

Just read Alan Carrs book on holiday- very light hearted, no concentration required and some good laugh out loud moments.
Joycee Banercheck said:
lovecityhateunited said:
no i have not really read many city books( apart from things like farewell to maine rd and books like that), which is strange considering im obsessed with everything city.
Well the Blue Moon book is probably the best City book I've ever read. It's from the viewpoint of the author who commentates on the whole 1998/99 season by including his columns in The Times (the paper thought it'd be good to document how we fared in Div 2 seeing as we'd managed to cock-up spectacularly by even our standards) with some great writing of his own opinions with little bits of City humour throughout. It ends with the play-off final and I'd recommend this book beofre any other to a City fan or just a fan in general. It really depicts us well.

Got this from Amazon a couple of weeks ago and you're right, it's one of the best City reads around. A really well-written insight into how MCFC operated at that time (seems like a different club compared to now!) although there are a few people who don't come out of it too well...
Last one i read was The White Tiger, won the last Booker prize. Was pretty good, not too sure why it won the prize though, i mean it was good but not amazing, the story doesn't stay with me like Birdsong does.

It's about an Indian boy from a poor rural background and how he got to be a successfull businessman in the City, worth a read just for the insight in Indian culture and it's not difficult to get into like some of the prize-winning type books.
exileindevon said:
bill bryson or jeremy clarkson

Jeremy Clarkson can write?

Why not try one of the classics? Great Expectations is a great read that will keep you busy, or if you haven't already, read Frankenstein. A brilliant book, or what about Dracula?
Ever read any Oscar? Try 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' it's just brilliantly written.
You're looking to relax but be absorbed, right?

Bryson is great if you want humour, travel & good style...
I'd recommend The Dice Man by Luke Rhineheart...or for some nostalgia (if you are a 70's/80's youth) try Robert Elms - The Way We Wore a biograph through fashion & music (skins in Fred Perry shirts n Doc Marts to New Romantics in blue kimono's & make up!) Post punk or rave? Try 'Rip it Up' or/& 'Energy Flash' by Simon Reynolds, Indie? Try something by Stuart Maconie like 'Cider with Roadies' a fight?? Try 'The Four Kings' a totally absorbing account of the careers & battles of Hearns, Hagler, Sugar Ray & the great Roberto Try 'Girl with a One Track Mind', you'll feel better knowing that it's not only you that thinks about it 24/7...there's loads more & some good recommendations already mentioned but enjoy the break our kid & remember 'wear that shirt with pride'. Come on City!!!
She Stood There Laughing by Stephen Foster. Okay, it's about Stoke City, but it's a chronicle of when they were down in the depths of the second (old third) division. And let's face it, which of us wouldn't sympathize with that?
50 Dead Men walking. True life acount of an Irish bloke Martin Mcsomthing or other, who was a double agent for the IRA & MI5.

Read it 10 years ago, still one of the best I've ever read.

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