Good news: City ready to spend big again

Forget the money !!! Is the line up good enough to win the title ? Is it better than the one we have now ?

I think we would go backward if we signed anyone of Luis, Walcott or especially Song. Walcott I would still be ok with considering he is HG. Luis has sucked in the premier league and you want to provide Chelsea with 25 mill. I am not even joking here, I am being really honest when I say we would regress with those players.
Walcott has one good game in a nothing to play for fixture and everyone raves about him again. Time and time he's shown incapable of playing that well consistently. Added to that the constant injuries and the ongoing argument of saying he's a striker but largely playing on the wing. Once his pace goes, his technique isn't that great and he'll decline quickly.

I think he's an excellent finisher and has great movement but top defenders would easily muscle him out of the game and play him offside. With his back to goal he'd offer nothing. We don't need a striker, we need a wide player capable of taking the opposition on. He quite clearly hasn't performed well in that role for Arsenal on a consistent basis. He can't cross the ball so won't get the best out of Bony and we have Navas to play the exact same role. At 26 he has time to improve but there are much younger and equally as talented players out there.

As for Bony, his record speaks for itself. He has the power and touch of Negredo, a better scoring record (equal to Dzeko) and will put a lot of effort in. Once he settles and forms that partnership with Aguero he'll be a great player for us. It's a big step up and he hasn't quite settled but the summer will give him that opportunity. Strikers generally play their best football around the 26-29 year old period so to have Bony and Aguero in that bracket can only be a good thing. He will also shoot from outside the box, something we've lacked at times.
Walcott has the potential to be a World class player ...He is playing on the top level since he was a kid ...he is super fast ...he is a good scorer...he can play well both as a winger and as striker.
Bony needs a whole team to work a give him the ball around the penalty area to score...outside this area he is uselless. Can t you see it ?
His hold up play and distribution is as good as anything I have seen. Problem we have with Bony is not a problem with him, but a problem with getting 2 strikers on the pitch without overloading midfield. Advantage with Bony is you hit it in any ague direction and he has a really good chance of winning it and keeping it. Major advantage for a team like City who once we get it, tend to be able to keep it
Walcott has the potential to be a World class player ...He is playing on the top level since he was a kid ...he is super fast ...he is a good scorer...he can play well both as a winger and as striker.
Bony needs a whole team to work a give him the ball around the penalty area to score...outside this area he is uselless. Can t you see it ?

Isn't that what strikers are supposed to do? Isn't the team supposed to work to give the ball to our striker? Are you saying all target men in world football uptill 2015 have been useless?

I did this when we were fighting for the title and i learnt that we spend all the money for a player that he couldn t play for a month
I also did this when we spend 35 for Ferna and 35 for Manga . Players that are not in the starting 11 !!!!!

I did this when we were fighting for the title and i learnt that we spend all the money for a player that he couldn t play for a month
I also did this when we spend 35 for Ferna and 35 for Manga . Players that are not in the starting 11 !!!!!

Mangala played 24 league games after not starting the first 5-7 games due to arriving late due to various reasons. Which Ferna are you talking about when you say 35 mill? Because one was 12 million and the other was pivotal in getting us the league title last season.

I did this when we were fighting for the title and i learnt that we spend all the money for a player that he couldn t play for a month
I also did this when we spend 35 for Ferna and 35 for Manga . Players that are not in the starting 11 !!!!!
If you mean Dhino he was 30m not 35,if you are going to whinge get you facts right at least
Bony would have cost much more this summer so we brought him in jan instead,he was top scorer in the last calender year
Ok !!! Manga , Ferna , Bony are good and also the money we spend for them !!! Txiki is good too !!! Pellegrini is good !!!

What was wrong then ? Toure ?

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