Got a girls number but forgotten her name...

Start a text conversation them bring up, what's your name down as on Facebook? I'm looking for you but can't find you. Wa la!
For gods sake don't tell her that you forgot her name you might as well say "listen I wasn't paying much attention to anything you were saying the other night as I was to busy thinking of different ways of smashing your back doors in"

I'd go for getting one of you mate to ring her and saying "oh hi Becky is John there?" to which she'll reply "this isn't Becky" a simple reply from your mate with "sorry who's this?" hopefully she'll reply with her name then a simple "oh sorry wrong number"

Obviously don't tell her it was a mate of yours that would just be a school boy error!!
wear a balaclava, break into her house, smash the place up, tie her up, and scream in her face ''WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING NAME ?'' write it on your hand then rape her
how about

you" what's your name again"
girl" (bob,or whatever)"
you" no sorry I meant your second name"

all I got...
Go back through the conversation in Noho.

You told her your name, she told you hers. Say it was Sarah.
Did you not think 'Sarah, thats the same name as another Sarah I know'? e.g. Relation, someone who lives on same street, girl you used to go to school with etc.

Don't think of the girl in Noho's, think of the girl her name reminded you of.

Then ring your mum and ask what your cousin's name was etc. ;-)

A bit of lateral thinking and advice for the next time you meet someone.

Also next time when you go to exchange numbers give her your phone number first then tell her to send you a text using the excuse that you're not sure of the number 'cos you never ring it. Somehow suggest that she puts her name in the text (What's your name again it's noisy in here and I didn't catch it earlier, I've got a head like a sieve, better put your name on, I've been calling you Doris all night what's it really)- then you'll not balls up putting the number in, she can't give you a false number (this often happened in the days before mobile phones when you got the 'brush off' - at the time a family actually shared one phone- it had a rotary dial on the front. Even if a girl fancied you she may not have wanted you ringing up and her dad answering) and lastly if you put her name down as Noho (you should have put Sarah Noho) you've still got the text with her name on, until you delete it, that is.

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