BillyShears said:
This place becomes more like the bastard child of rag cafe and rawk every week...
If the price of not becoming sycophantic to journos who make rash u-turns on the spurious basis of beating a weakened Villareal side (and thus vanquishing all demons) is that BillyShears thinks we're becoming more like Rag Cafe and RAWK, then it's a price most definitely worth paying. No, it has all the hallmarks of someone trying to dig themselves out of a hole by pretending some demon has been slayed and so doing an about-face is now reasonable. It's been a long list (from posters on Bluemoon to journos at national broadsheets) and it's been embarrassing to watch, posters on here all furiously trying to scramble for some life jacket of reason in which they can remain right but acknowledge that things haven't transpired as they predicted. Why can't people admit when they were wrong. Is it so bad? Also, is it so bad to respect journalists on the power of their foresight rather than hindsight?