Greedy, greedy Carlos...

I'm not really one for the Politics of the Forum, so I shall go for the "stating the bleedin' obvious" award. Carlos had a fine game today.
hgblue said:
Everyone's entitled to their opinion I suppose, but those who don't like Carlos are idiots imho. I'm usually quite tolerant of people whose opinions swim against the tide but anti-Tevez sentiment from fellow blues is ridiculous when you consider what the fella has done this season (and not just in one game).

FWIW I don't think anyone is 'anti' Tevez it's just that he is frustrating when he doesn't pass at times. Like someone else has said, on his good days it pays off and he scores goals but when it doesn't come off he can be detrimental to the team. It's not hard to see where people are coming from the difference is some accept it as part of his game whilst others want him to be able to pass if it means the team scoring.

I don't think I've ever heard a City fan not wanting Tevez in the team so gloating is a bit twattish.
Amel said:
let's be real

the guy is just amazing

he singlehandedly defeated Brom

Mancini is going to have a lot of thinking to do...will he stick with Tevez, Toure and Silva and play through the middle or will he push Dzeko and the wings more...

I think he is going to stick with the first option and go for whats proven to work. Therefore Dzeko might have a future of a Adebayor or Jo...

I think Carlos and Dzeko have it in them to be become a lethal partnership.

If they ever get to play up top together...
Bigga said:
City Raider said:
sorry, you can kid yourself all you want to try and justify yourself - his game hasnt changed

The minute I see what I see in Carlos' usual bullsh*t game I will be right back on his case.

I cannot justify calling himself 'selfish' based on his last two games.

fair enough - i just think that when games are tight maybe he tries too hard to do it all himself - and we will see that again
The reason Man City will never win a title is because we don't play collective football, but instead we play solo football. Why do you think Man U is always winning the title? Because there team plays together, there players think about the team and not think about how many goals they will score (Tevez) . When the Man City players learn how to pass to a player that is in a better position than themselves and not take some kind of ridiculous shot which has a 1 to 1000000 odds of going in then we will win a title, but if our players continue to play solo we will never win.
jay_mcfc said:
hgblue said:
Everyone's entitled to their opinion I suppose, but those who don't like Carlos are idiots imho. I'm usually quite tolerant of people whose opinions swim against the tide but anti-Tevez sentiment from fellow blues is ridiculous when you consider what the fella has done this season (and not just in one game).

FWIW I don't think anyone is 'anti' Tevez it's just that he is frustrating when he doesn't pass at times. Like someone else has said, on his good days it pays off and he scores goals but when it doesn't come off he can be detrimental to the team. It's not hard to see where people are coming from the difference is some accept it as part of his game whilst others want him to be able to pass if it means the team scoring.

I don't think I've ever heard a City fan not wanting Tevez in the team so gloating is a bit twattish.

What is twattish imo, is City fans constantly sniping at our best player (without whom we'd probably be languishing in mid-table), because he's not Glenn Fucking Hoddle. Ok, he goes for goal when he gets the chance. So what?
hgblue said:
What is twattish imo, is City fans constantly sniping at our best player (without whom we'd probably be languishing in mid-table), because he's not Glenn Fucking Hoddle. Ok, he goes for goal when he gets the chance. So what?

What I find twattish is people sniping at people sniping because they want what's best for the team. As I said, I have never heard one City fan saying they don't want him in the team. Had there been threads by people who wanted him out of the team or don't rate him then fair enough but some fans have a problem with some of the things he does. Passing to a player in a better position is hardly asking for him to completely change his game, nor is it being ungrateful for what he gives us.
ManCityBlues said:
The reason Man City will never win a title is because we don't play collective football, but instead we play solo football. Why do you think Man U is always winning the title? Because there team plays together, there players think about the team and not think about how many goals they will score (Tevez) . When the Man City players learn how to pass to a player that is in a better position than themselves and not take some kind of ridiculous shot which has a 1 to 1000000 odds of going in then we will win a title, but if our players continue to play solo we will never win.

jay_mcfc said:
hgblue said:
What is twattish imo, is City fans constantly sniping at our best player (without whom we'd probably be languishing in mid-table), because he's not Glenn Fucking Hoddle. Ok, he goes for goal when he gets the chance. So what?

What I find twattish is people sniping at people sniping because they want what's best for the team. As I said, I have never heard one City fan saying they don't want him in the team. Had there been threads by people who wanted him out of the team or don't rate him then fair enough but some fans have a problem with some of the things he does. Passing to a player in a better position is hardly asking for him to completely change his game, nor is it being ungrateful for what he gives us.

What I find twattish is people sniping at people sniping at people sniping about Tevez. Tevez is what he is and isn't going to change imo. And Wolves have just scored so I can't be arsed arguing with you anymore :-).

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