Greta Thunberg

I know the article sought to justify it. I read that much. What I was not sure of having not read the whole thing, was whether the article was bollocks. The graph is interesting though and is factual. The justification for the change in the data may or may not be.
The data is refined and will be an iterative process. Each of the black dots on the chart is a result of the calculation of lots of values and in some cases these values themselves will be as a result of backdating known data to fill in missing readings. The backdating calculations will be improved over time as new data is received and new information will be obtained that reduces the confidence of historical data (some values are removed because they can't be trusted and are replaced with values using the backdating algorithm) meaning the final black dot value will change. They have to change the data because the new knowledge behind the calculation of the dots is in the public domain and would invalidate the existing charts if they stuck with them. In short it is justified.

Incidentally, this is just USA data. I saw some charts a while back (I will try to find them) and it looked like North America was the least affected part of the world for temperature anomalies.

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It still is when it comes to any major conflict involving the super powers. They know that such a conflict is unwinnable and the leaders of those countries are having much to much of a good time to risk destroying the world in a nuclear war.

I do share your concern and fear that wars will come however, but ones more localised and triggered by religion and racial issues with a good dose of poverty to light the flames. This is where I fear the EU is heading and its inevitable collapse will see Balkan style conflicts in Western Europe and quite probably in the UK. Give it 20 years.

Haha. I was with you until “inevitable collapse”.
Haha. I was with you until “inevitable collapse”.

I think it is unless they change direction quickly. I have said it before, you simply cannot bolt so many nations and cultures together expecting them all to function like Germany or France. Thats before you add the wave of immigrants coming into Europe. It will blow at some point, it is starting already. Worrying times for certain, but different than the fear of imminent nuclear destruction during the cold war.
The data is refined and will be an iterative process. Each of the black dots on the chart is a result of the calculation of lots of values and in some cases these values themselves will be as a result of backdating known data to fill in missing readings. The backdating calculations will be improved over time as new data is received and new information will be obtained that reduces the confidence of historical data (some values are removed because they can't be trusted and are replaced with values using the backdating algorithm) meaning the final black dot value will change. They have to change the data because the new knowledge behind the calculation of the dots is in the public domain and would invalidate the existing charts if they stuck with them. In short it is justified.

And the fact that these "adjustments" to the data, make it fit the models when the previous unadjusted data did not, is just coincidence. Well maybe, but you can see why people might question that, can't you.

It's a bit like VAR ;-)
And the fact that these "adjustments" to the data, make it fit the models when the previous unadjusted data did not, is just coincidence. Well maybe, but you can see why people might question that, can't you.

It's a bit like VAR ;-)
Even though this goes against my argument, there is some truth in what you say. Organisations do like to bend data to suit their desired outcome, I see it all the time in my line of work, but the data is there for others to use, the reasons for the adjustments are there for all to read and the methodology for calculating and filling in the blanks are there for all to challenge. People are free to create their own charts. If you're not going to go and do your own analysis then at some point you have to ask yourself, who do I trust more, the scientists and the mathematicians or the politicians and the businessmen? The temperature increase might be a blip in the history of the world, of course, but evidence such as CO2 parts per million, coral reef bleaching and giant floating islands of plastic certainly aren't.
Or Uk?

You celtic/pictic-roman anglo saxon franco-norman mongrel....
Don't forget all the contributions the Vikings made to their gene pool with the old rape and plunder package holidays.
Just as a quick side-note; The romans, normans and vikings left little to no "genetic" legacy as they stayed to conquer, not "mingle with the locals", to put it politely. Just an "FYI"

Anyway, back on topic.

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