I suggested no such thing. I merely pointed out the source of royal wealth. If I were to develop that theme, I would suggest that, rather than disentangle the warrant, the source carries with it a moral obligation. For example, the Duchy of Cornwall extracts £20m per annum in rents from one of the poorest counties in England and that carries an obligation. You may say that Charles fulfils that with his charities, but farmers struggling on an income of less than 10k p.a. might not agree with you and would prefer some rent relief. It is the lack of awareness by the aristocracy of this moral obligation that needs to be addressed. I'll give you a reverse example. Some of the great estates in Scotland have, in recent years, handed over large parcels of land to newly created bodies to own on behalf on the local people and for income generated to be used for the common benefit. So it can be done. MORE please !