Gym Heads (protein shakes)

BlueMoon93 said:
ono said:
Generally speaking creatine is very safe. By that, i mean there is no research to suggest it causes any bodily harm.

MyProtein is probably the best place. Having said that it's fairly easy to get all of your protein requirements from a properly balanced diet. By that, i mean you don't have to go anywhere near the 250g+ a day protein intakes that Flex and Muscle and Fitness will advise you to do.

But don't supplements have stuff in them that repairs fibres and amino acids more than just pure protein from meats etc?
Protein is required to repair damaged muscle fibers, but only a certain amount is required. Certainly nowhere near 250g per day. 1g - 1.5 per kilo of bodyweight is all you really need. Your body cannot store excess protein. When you reach a protein excess, deamination occurs where the amino acids are converted into other usable molecules by the liver.

What is actually over-looked is how important carbohydrates are to repairing and putting on muscle.

The average bloke stores around 1600g of carbohydrate in the body. The majority of it is stored in muscle cells in the form of muscle glycogen. An intense weight lifting or even cardio session can use up half of this quite easily. Then if you follow it up with a session a day or two later, and again a day later, eventually what would happen is the levels of glycogen in your body would decrease and decrease to the point where your body would start to break down protein to convert into glycogen to use as energy. Even refuelling with an average amount of carbohydrates isn't adequate because you'll still reach the point of muscle/protein breakdown fairly quickly....although it would take this person a little longer than it would do for a person on a low carbohydrate diet.

As for supplements, protein found in protein supplements isn't really superior to the protein found in food, providing it contains all of the essential amino acids. Protein powder however is probably more convenient, especially post work-out.

The best thing i could do would be to recommend you buy a sports nutrition textbook. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 895&sr=8-1</a>

This will set you back £8 and it will be the best investment you'll ever make, if you're into improving your body or body's performance.
I'd recommend high protein food and high energy drink. At the moment I'm on scotch eggs and Irn Bru, But it does'nt seem to be working too well!
wrongun73 said:
the kippax wall said:
I'd recommend high protein food and high energy drink. At the moment I'm on scotch eggs and Irn Bru, But it does'nt seem to be working too well!
bet the ladies love your odour mate ;)

Fair point Wrongun! My arse does stink a bit. But I find a few splashes of the old Paco Rabanne round the bottle does the trick !!
As mentioned you can't beat a decent diet, although protein shakes won't do you any harm they aren't something you should just "rely on"

Google high protein meals, meats such as chicken/turkey (skinless), cottage cheese, fish (unbattered), loads of ways to get your intake without shakes although they are more convenient.

check - their warehouse is in south manchester, and here is a discount code:


I use their products, my goals may be different to yours? i dunno, if you wanna be big basically you gotta eat ALOT of cals per day, or you can cheat? but gear courses can be expensive.
My goal is to stay skinny but strong for my weight, with this i try to avoid fatty foods and white carbs (white race/pasta etc)

You can have the right diet but a crap training routine, many people burn muscle often.. post up your routine
SteSteez said:
As mentioned you can't beat a decent diet, although protein shakes won't do you any harm they aren't something you should just "rely on"

Google high protein meals, meats such as chicken/turkey (skinless), cottage cheese, fish (unbattered), loads of ways to get your intake without shakes although they are more convenient.

check - their warehouse is in south manchester, and here is a discount code:


I use their products, my goals may be different to yours? i dunno, if you wanna be big basically you gotta eat ALOT of cals per day, or you can cheat? but gear courses can be expensive.
My goal is to stay skinny but strong for my weight, with this i try to avoid fatty foods and white carbs (white race/pasta etc)

You can have the right diet but a crap training routine, many people burn muscle often.. post up your routine
What do you mean by that mate?

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