I agree with that and my perception of Japan is naturally centred on my own cultural perspective. I would add that Japan is a rich and highly educated nation, definitely not without its charms - and charming people - but it will not accept dilution of its own perceived racial superiority by mere foreigners (from anywhere) a concept baked into its social, political and legal systems. They baulk at the thought of immigration, reject diversity, refuse to accept refugees, there are no mosques for example and their unparalleled cruelty in WW2 especially in China illustrated their utter contempt for others. They have a ageing population of 120m but prefer to focus on robotics and machines to support them, rather than human beings from other places. As you may guess I have some personal experience here. By the way, I suspect the person sat on the hill in Kabul just wants other cultures to fuck off and leave them alone. I can understand that.