Harry Maguire found guilty in Greece

So it's gone from a brawl involving a bribe allegedly from slabhead, to city fans starting a riot and ending with Maguire being a hero as his sister got "stabbed" in the arm.
What next?

Maguire becomes UNICEF ambassador?
Rashford nominated for the nobel peace prize?

That fuckin club and them twats in the press protecting them.

Have they blamed it on sterling’s tattoo?
Unless I misread the BBC article, it looks like he has got to go home and let his leagle team sort it on Tuesday. I didn't realise the Greek legal system was so spineless
That club really are an example to the rest of us, aren't they?

Throwing out relatives of the players who were killed in the Munich disaster from their houses, leaving them destitute and on the streets, and then going on to milk that some disaster for every last penny they could get from it.

Having a chairman who knowingly sold rancid meat to schoolchildren, endangering their young lives simply for profit.

A player who -in his own words- went out with the sole intention of crippling an opposition player, thus ending his career prematurely.

A player who launched himself into a martial arts Kung-Fu assault on a supporter in the crowd.

Another player who went AWOL because he knew he'd fail a drugs test.Then went on to have a string of seedy affairs whilst his own wife was dying in hospital.

Yet another who had a long affair with his own brothers' wife, got her pregnant, paid for the abortion, and did everything he could to stop the press getting hold of the story.

A manager with a serious alcohol problem who threatened and abused anyone who defied him.

And now a player who gets pissed on a holiday abroad, kicks fuck out of a policeman for simply doing his duty, and then tries to bribe this policeman into dropping the charges.

I hope the authorities throw not just the book at him but the complete library - bricks as well.
You omit to mention yet another of their players, who was caught fucking a granny, while his pregnant wife was stuck at home.

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