Harry Maguire found guilty in Greece

So it's gone from a brawl involving a bribe allegedly from slabhead, to city fans starting a riot and ending with Maguire being a hero as his sister got "stabbed" in the arm.
What next?

Maguire becomes UNICEF ambassador?
Rashford nominated for the nobel peace prize?

That fuckin club and them twats in the press protecting them.
The Nobel Peace Prize is small change for someone who's already achieved sainthood!
this will be brush under the carpet and nothing will be said and done even his england place will be ok because its united. any other club and one of their players it would be a kangaroo court guilty as charged and sold down the river

this has got so silly now and all this bullshit coming out that it was this or that fault is bullshit ? the simple fact is you can not take the law into your own hands, even is it was involving your sister of friend or some mates ? your a football player and a role model to others ? stop fucking about and trying to pull the wool over people eyes ? you can not handle the drink and the marching powder and you was giving it billy big bollocks and got done and found out
I made the mistake of reading the DM online about this. In the report there is a picture of his sister looking nice and relaxed in her swim wear. It says the picture was taken yesterday. No sign of any plasters or bandages to cover the stab wound. In fact you would be hard pushed to know she had been stabbed, she was smiling happily. I have never been stabbed but if I had I dont think the following day I would be smiling in my speedos, without any plasters or bandages or stitches......still !

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