Has anyone put their central heating on yet?

Our humidity reading is 52 and it says our temperature is currently 26C, but that's bollocks because I'm sat here Right Now with nipples like golf balls Moon-Walking in my new polka dot M and S dressing gown. The sweats is proper pissing off the wife's furrow, but that's not important right now as she's always hot 24/7.

I would sooner give up biscuits, cheese cake and our Magnum supplies than ever go cold.

Speaking of Octopus the half hourly rates on Agile are creeping up on the peak times at 16:00 to 19:00 @ around 35p average the kwh. Other timings are fine and we did all our dhobying and drying today at circa 15p the kwh: That is all.
26c? thats sahara desert stuff.
18c is sufficient heat for anyone.
For me 15°C thermostat setting for my boiler to come on. And for me to put a t-shirt top rather than a vest stop to go out for a run it has to be less than 10°C and I also stop doing outdoor pool swims at the same air temperature. #notnesh

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