Has it been a good/poor season?

Its been poor by recent standards of course and the team has taken on a look of being jaded at times.

Best solution is for the club to assure Pep of getting in his targets as early as possible and Pep to assure the club by signing an extension. We can start that process today.

After what has been achieved over recent years and the loyalty shown by the manager over the uefa ban talk of sacking him is ridiculous.

We may have to accept we are not going to win the CL with pep. I've accepted it as I despise the competition. It Is bent and the organisation that runs it is corrupt.

I'm much more bothered about winning the league or fa Cup and he has a very good record there.

He stood behind us in our darkest time. Time for us to stand behind him.
How many games have we lost?

Over 10 then it has been a poor season by our previous standards, it is no good saying well it is better than being in division 2, we have moved on a tad since those dark days.

I am unsure why you say
'It then becomes a question of principle, does he sacrifice his principles and be pragmatic or does he stick with what he believes'

This is the very thing he is doing in the CL, he changes our lovely attacking football into some turgid game of chess, inevitably we miss chances and concede off the first real chance given, this is being pragmatic.

Fernie, Rodri and Gundy in the middle?

KDB false 9?


Just go out and play our brand of attacking football.

Going 3 at the back was a huge error, not changing anything at half time was just being stubborn, it wasted another 10 minutes of the second half.

Not even playing the guy that played your tactics to perfection v Real Madrid was borderline criminal.
We've been the nearly team this season in most cases, but honestly to expect the level of last season or higher was always going to be tough. A couple of key injuries and we struggled, and our lack of investment in certain areas was exposed. At times we've been sublime, but at others we've been lost and reactionary. We've had games where we've looked confused, unconfident, and, worst of all for us, lacking different opinions going forward. This is the side that previously could expose you to Sane's raw pace, keep you guessing which wing Sterling would pop up on, pop a ball over the top to counter a counter, cut inside with Mahrez or Bernie or just pass through the centre with KDB, David Silva and all. We've not had that, and I firmly believe that just having that ability puts uncertainty into a opponents team sheet and tactcs before a ball is even kicked. Hopefully Torres is a step towards fixing that.

As posted above by others, the number of league games lost is unacceptable. Lyon was unacceptable. Arsenal was unacceptable. Not the fact we failed, but the manner in which we failed.

But that's who we are, we've been so good for the past two seasons that this feels a bit of a backwards step. The challenge was to be as good again, if not better by progressing in Europe, and by that standard we've failed.

Good points are the majority of the performances, the playing style, number of goals scored, Sterling, Kev and the league cup. Plus of course Foden. More than enough to show there is still a basis of a very, very good team there.

That said, there is work to be done to ensure it is not the start of a slide, you'd say we've for far too much about us to let that happen but similarly a team like ours needs to be challenging at the top continually to get that extra out of us. Next year will be even harder. Chelsea looks a threat with their additions, United seem to have been earmarked for the favour of VAR already, and like a persistent fart Liverpool will linger. Hopefully we so things right and regain the title, but the top 4 will be competitive.

The recruitment this summer is key not just for next season but for the next few. If Pep does make this his last season then we need to know, need to have plans on place for succession and need to bring in players flexible enough for the new guy. If he extends, great, but we need to be clear on what is expected and how we should go about achieving it together. Be it new players, different tactics or coaching.

I think what makes it worse is that this season has just been so overshadowed by things so awful, and punctuated by further irritations. From the absolute horror that is Covid-19, decimating lives and livelihoods, the absolute joke that has been the implementation of VAR, the farce of the FFP case, to a league-winning Liverpool, the only team alongside the raggies who are less gracious in victory than in defeat and deem it more important to put down others rather than celebrate their own, I for one welcome the break and like all hope we use the opportunity to regroup, strengthen and regain our appetite to show we are the best in England.
If at the start of the Season we’d planned coming a poor 2nd in the league, exiting the FA Cup in the semis to a very average Arsenal. 9 defeats , lost derbies , failure in the Champions KO stages again but beating Villa in the league cup I suspect we’d have fell about laughing.
12 defeats including home/away Vs wolves, 3 against the rags and Norwich one of the worst teams in PL history. Add in 5 draws. 17 matches. An absolutely shite season and imo an utter disgrace for the money we've invested. We have one fit striker, how can we be so light in a key position?? Our left backs continue to be terrible, we've 3 centrebacks who aren't up to it and we're bas slow as fuck in midfield. A shambles of a season. And before the "back when we were shit" brigade start, I don't want to hear it, those days are gone and by our current standards/financial position this season has been a farce.

5 new players in the summer won't fix it. We've an ageing team and some players bought recently who arent good enough.

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