Has Neil Lennon Always Been a Scunt?

lee-mcfc said:
i dont follow scottish football( i hate it) but wtf has neil done SO BAD to deserve all this hatred??!

He's an Irish Catholic mate. In the central belt of Scotland that is all that is needed to be a figure of hate and prejudice.

Just be glad you live in a civilised part of Britain.
Hark at the porridge frogs bickering amongst themselves!

Look on the bright side, pass the parcel must be well exciting.

And before anyone asks, No I couldn't give a toss about Rangers or Celtic as long as they're no where near the English leagues.
DD said:
lee-mcfc said:
i dont follow scottish football( i hate it) but wtf has neil done SO BAD to deserve all this hatred??!

He's an Irish Catholic mate. In the central belt of Scotland that is all that is needed to be a figure of hate and prejudice.

Just be glad you live in a civilised part of Britain.

so its all about religion? fooking hell
DD said:
lee-mcfc said:
i dont follow scottish football( i hate it) but wtf has neil done SO BAD to deserve all this hatred??!

He's an Irish Catholic mate. In the central belt of Scotland that is all that is needed to be a figure of hate and prejudice.

Just be glad you live in a civilised part of Britain.

Absolute bollocks mate, there are plenty Irish Catholics in Central Scotland who go about their daily lives with no problems at all.

Hopefully they 2 twats they've got in Kilwinning are the right people & that all this letter bomb nonsense will be put to bed & stopped for good.

If all that had happened was the tube at Tynecastle jumping on, this would be almost forgotten about already, as history shows. The big thing is the bombs, hopefully as I say they've got the right people & it's finished.


Interesting article in the Herald today which points out the worst that happened to O'Neil was a flag in his garden and that Tommy Burns (the most committed Catholic in the proper faith/living their life correctly sense I ever recall in Scottish football) was so hated hat the Rangers management team helped carry his coffin. What is it about Lennon?
Neil Lennon was issued with death threats from the very day that he, as Northern Ireland captain, decided to join Celtic. From that day on he was met with abuse throughout Scotland on opposing grounds before he had so much as said a word or put in a bad tackle.

Of course it's about religion.

You don't see Robbie Savage getting parcel bombs and bullets in the post do you?

People have very short memories if they do not remember that Neil Lennon became a hate figure because he was captain of a country almost entirely made up of Ulster Unionists who signed for the 'pro-Republican' flagship side.

He never got any special abuse before, yet after that day, he did. Work it out. It's not rocket science.

We'll be saying John Barnes had bananas thrown at him because some fans thought he looked hungry next.
I know over the years that there have been rumours, requests to allow the glasgow clubs in premiership, this behaviour hopefully kills that once and for all. Don't care who is responsible, don't care whether someone is to blame or not sectarian crap that both clubs spout should remain where it is. Just a pity Hadrian isn't around to rebuild the fuckling wall!!!!! PS hope they get a referendum on independance and our Government also has the balls to give the English a referendum on whether we should be independant from them.
I like the guy. he is confrontational, stands up for himself, and was a slightly better player than given credit for. he also might have no smarts about him in that he does not seem to have any idea at all, about when and where and how to use these attributes I credit him with. celtic fans won't have it, you can't tell them that neil lennon has to smarten up as a manager and conduct himself like a manager - they don't want to and won't hear it. its a social powderkey in west scotland, played out in the tabloids, and the worst partisan pubs only. if you want to manage in that you learn pretty quickly to keep a lid on it - Lennon refuses to. Now you could say he is stupid for that, or he could be very very smart - as the outcome of this crazy vengeful campain against him personally, is bringing certain things into the open, that maybe, just maybe they will get dealt with. Don't know, not decided yet, and it's not really my problem as I live down here now. I'm a Rangers fan, season ticket holder of 10 years before I left Scotland. The stuff he is going through is outrageous. I don't think he has made the transition from player to manager that well, fine on the football side, not so fine on the touchline side.
california blue said:
While he was playing always thought he was a class player (another that we let go) and just one of those bubbly midfielders who was a player that everyone looked to as a pretty decent bloke....dont know why like.

Ever since he's been managing he annoys me as much as Jose/Taggert/twticher

Despicable man

you only have to look at this clip top see what a schizo he is..

Here's my take on the full situation. I post as a Catholic living in Ayrshire, only 20 miles from Glasgow and where bigotry is just as if not more prevelant than in Glasgow itself.

On Neil Lennon being attacked by the "fan"

Absolute disgrace. What a complete lowlife, the fan that is. He's an embarrassment to the country and in particular Hearts FC. What a tit.

On Lennon himself

I don't like him. But I don't like him in the same way I don't like Mourinho or slur Alex. He comes across as an arrogant little toss and I totally disagree with all the pish he talks about Celtic being treated unfairly etc.

Anyway, he doesn't deserve ANY of the abuse he's having to put up with. His only crime is passion for his club and Celtic fans should be proud of him. I feel really sorry for what he has to put up with in his every day life. He should not have to watch his back every time he leaves his house, never mind actually being in the dugout of a football match. What a crying shame.

On the Celtic fans at Tynecastle

1:44 – Ooh Ahh Up the RA

3:08 – Roll of Honour

6:03 – Off to join the IRA

10:04 – Ooh Ah Up the Ra

15:00 – Oh the wee huns are shoote

38:45 – Get the Brits out now

44:00 – Oh ah Up the RA

53:00 - P, P, PIRA

55:00 – Never Defeat the IRA

58:00 – Jim Jeffries is a sad orange *******

59:00 - Oh the wee huns are shoote

64:00 - IRA All the way, **** the Queen and the UDA

66:00 – Off to join the IRA

72:00 – Michael Fagan Shagged the Queen

73:00 – Go home ya huns

87:00 - oh the wee huns are shoote

The above was taken from a seperate forum. I don't see much wrong with singing "the wee huns are shite" and "Michael Fagan shagged the queen". However, the rest of that is 100% horrible. The songs were being sang by THOUSANDS in the away end at Hearts, clearly heard on national T.V. Celtic fans involved - you should be ashamed of yourselves. Infact, if you want to praise the I.R.A. so much, take your passport and fuck off. You're not welcome here.

I've nothing against the folk songs etc as Celtic are from Irish roots. The fields, this land etc etc on you go, why not be proud of your roots? But the above is a fucking embarrassment, you're singing the praises of people who've recently murdered innocent women, children and more recently a Police officer who tried to go in his car and get to work. Absolutely sickening bunch of fans.

I'm fully aware of "the billy boys" etc coming from a minority in the Hearts end. The same goes for these twats. Get them to fuck out this country, embarrassments.

On the SFA, the Police, Rangers and Celtic and society

Absolute shitbags the lot of them. This is what you've all allowed to continue for decades and this is why we are where we are today. This is why all this shit is happening with Lennon. Rangers and Celtic fans in their large minority if not majority have been getting away with sectarian chanting for years and the SFA and Police have done NOTHING about it. It's been swept under the carpet. You'd think by the recent news of UEFA punishing Rangers for sectarian chanting against Osasuna that it's a one off instance???? FFS what a joke, it's every single week and this season has escalated. Rangers and Celtic should be made to play every game behind closed doors for a season, with a points deduction at the start of the season. The SFA should be revamped from top to bottom and take a "no nonsense" approach to sectarianism. Only then may atmospheres at football matches start to imrpove. Hopefully if that happens there would be more self policing, with those who are just joining in for "banter" realising it's not acceptable and changing their ways.

Unfortunately, the problem is no longer just with Rangers and Celtic. It's with Society. Bigotry is an every day way of life especially in Glasgow, Ayrshire and other regions in Strathclyde. Yes, the East coast areas as well although probably not to the same extent. The government have to get involved and the justice system revamped. It's about time folk realised that bigotry is not acceptable and those found guilty should be treated the same as racists etc. It's sickening, i'm really starting to hate living in Scotland because of the bigotry. Horrible.

On those on this forum claiming Catholics are victimised across Scotland

Never read so much garbage in my entire life. Like I say, i'm also a Catholic of Irish decent and have a particularly Irish surname.

In no way, shape or form is my life made any worse than my Mrs who is protestant. I suggest people claiming the above get off their fecking high horse and get a grip of themselves. There is just as much sectarian abuse towards loyalists, protestants etc than there is us Catholics. Those stating the above reek of paranoia, seriously, get a grip.

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