Has social media made the UK more right wing?

Labour will win the next election because a huge chunk of the Tory vote won't turn up or will vote Reform - not for people changing to vote Labour - though their will be a few percentage points.
They simply can't see the point of voting for a Tory party that, in reality is slightly more left wing than Blairs first government!
Sorry, pardon?

You think this current government is more left wing than Tony Blair’s last government in 2007?
Yours is also an interesting post Rascal, because what you describe there as "Socialist was mainstream", it never was to me, centrist was "mainstream", which sadly seems to have mostly disappeared.
It depends what you mean by 'socialism' of course, but the very fact that pre-Thatcher, there were whole industries of state-owned manufacturing suggests that it was a fairly normal, mainstream position to hold. That doesn't mean that going full Stalin was ever a mainstream opinion in the UK. Nowadays, the idea of a state-run car company is a bit weird, but equally the idea of privatizing the NHS will get you run out of the country. And when it comes to trains, people are increasingly moving back towards state-owned and run as the solution.
Sorry, pardon?

You think this current government is more left wing than Tony Blair’s last government in 2007?
Many Tory voters think that.
I live in an area where a Donkey would win if it was the Tory Candidate (and often does) but I am active in the community and meet Tory voters regularly and that is pretty much their opinion
I'm of the opinion there isn't that much difference but Blair's first government was slightly more Left.
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Many Tory voters think that.
I live in an area where a Donkey would win if it was the Tory Candidate (and often does) but I am active in the community and meet Tory voters regularly and that is pretty much their opinion
I'm of the opinion there isn't that much difference but Blair's first government was slightly more Left.
Interesting. Kind of blows my mind a bit.

Do they have any reasoning as to why?
I am quite new to facebook and its full of right wing stuff, i have been on twitter for years and that is a pit of hatred. Who needs the Daily Mail when you get hate for free on social media.

Am i wrong? whats your experiences?
Its given a voice to all the people that are normally ignored and given them a base to be heard by the kind of folk that they would never have been otherwise entertained by because they are cunts. Its just a big cycle of cuntery for clowns
Is their anything more than a risler paper between Sunak and Starmer? Go through the known policies one by one and there isn't.
That’s not the same as suggesting this current government is to the left of Blair’s government in 2007 though, is it?

These days, the opposition can’t propose anything as anything that is deemed decent on social media is implemented by their opponents immediately.

I’ll judge Starmer as and when he gets in.

Suggesting that this government that wants to illegally send people to a “safe” country in Rwanda, whilst deregulating most things to allow sewage in our rivers and our trains and water etc to go bust doesn’t seem very left wing.

Are there any realistic reasons why this government could be called left wing, other than to normalise the next version of far right shite as “centrist”?
That is an interesting post because now being a Socialist means I am far left, where once being a Socialist was mainstream, think Atlee, Bevan Benn et al, even Corbyn who was to the right of those people was ostracised as a communist.

It backs up my thinking that left wing ideals are being ostracised on social media.

Can i summise then that social media is heavily influenced and manipulated by the right?
Come on mate, we've had some exchanges on here before and the most memorable thing I can recall is you believe in an authoritarian left wing government which stinks of far-left ideologue to me.

Most people would take the nationalisation of the trains and you'd struggle to find anyone who disagrees. However honestly I doubt that any majority also wants their entire life to be nationalised and rubber stamped by the state which is what proper socialism demands. This is the kind of stuff that scares people to vote for the status quo.

Aside from this the past is the past and we're not all down the pits anymore. Life today is infinitely better than it was 100 years ago.

Let's be honest though, a lot of that is simply due to the government we have. People moan about the government, so if the government is right wing, the most vocal criticism are likely to come from the left. Particularly with the current government, which even most Tory voters would admit is on its last legs at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if the posts from the final days of Gordon Brown made the forum seem more right wing.

One thing I do remember was that during the Brexit vote, there was a poll on this forum that got it pretty much bang on.
Regardless of the shite that has happened over the last few years the Tories just do not have any answers to the problems facing the country and that's assuming they're even bothered at this stage.

To me the next election won't be about left or right, it'll be about removing a dead government and replacing it with one that actually does something. I don't want the economy blowing apart and replacing, I just want somebody to make things work again.
I think the reason why the railway system in the UK is poor is not because it has not been nationalized, but because it cannot make money.
When you have a greedy financial system, everything is rising in price. Industries like railways that serve the general public cannot keep up with the speed of price increases in the financial system. So decay occurred. Nationalizing it cannot fundamentally solve the problem.
Regardless of the shite that has happened over the last few years the Tories just do not have any answers to the problems facing the country and that's assuming they're even bothered at this stage.

To me the next election won't be about left or right, it'll be about removing a dead government and replacing it with one that actually does something. I don't want the economy blowing apart and replacing, I just want somebody to make things work again.
I feel like the horse has already bolted on that one. At least the first half has already been done.

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