Has the BBC become a Tory tool?

Mask well and truly slipped now now that we know that you consider every asylum seeker arriving by irregular means as chancers and should be treated as illegal immigrants. That is exactly the view of Braverman and her supporters, a view that is totally at odds with international law and various treaties.
To say nothing about how it lacks basic human decency.
No, but it is hard to imagine what genuine asylum claim an Albanian could have. Albanians are the single biggest group arriving on the boats by far.
If you have 20 people in a boat and 18 of those are from 18 different countries and 2 of them are Albanians then the Albanians are the single biggest group in that boat.
There are twice as many Albanians in that boat than any other nationality.
No, but it is hard to imagine what genuine asylum claim an Albanian could have. Albanians are the single biggest group arriving on the boats by far.
How about women who are being trafficked to be exploited as sex workers? I wonder why 90% of Albanian women who apply for asylum have their applications accepted if there’s no genuine reason?

I see you’re backtracking from all asylum seekers to just Albanian ones. Whilst they made up the largest proportion in 2022 they still made up less than a quarter of the total.

It seems you’re full of shit. Who’d have guessed?
Or maybe you’re still being “meta-satirical”.
No, but it is hard to imagine what genuine asylum claim an Albanian could have. Albanians are the single biggest group arriving on the boats by far.

See here:

Going back to Lineker’s tweet, I understood it not so much in terms of politics but psychology. He was drawing attention to the first stage of an incremental process that can and has culminated in acts of genocide.

That psychological process is a well-known one that can and has been set in motion by populist politicians on both the Left and the Right, as well as religious extremists who consider themselves to be doing God’s work, and even tribal leaders in the case of the Rwandan genocide.

Time and again, social psychologists like Stanley Milgram and Phillip Zimbardo, as well as teachers like the redoubtable Jane Elliott have demonstrated how our tendency to think tribalistically can be taken advantage of by tyrannical ideologues of a variety of persuasions.

Time and again, Stanley Milgram’s frequently replicated study of obedience to authority has shown that in the wrong circumstances, in spite of our protestations that we would never inflict harm on a fellow human being, roughly two-thirds of us will go on to do precisely just that.

Fortunately, in addition to this process being described in detail in Phillip Zimbardo’s magisterial study The Lucifer Effect, the research I am referring to and some real world examples that illustrate how it plays out have helpfully been depicted in one hour long documentary.

This is a film that I used to show regularly to older secondary school pupils on Holocaust Memorial Day for a number of years.

It is well worth an hour of anyone’s time and can be viewed on YouTube. But here it is anyway:

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