Hats off to Gary Lineker

"The Beautiful bung " 1996. This is old hat, as for that slippery twat Lineker . Odious prick . People in glasshouses springs to mind .

Too many people with their fingers in the pie,for England to be successful with a bid, as stated before get rid of the corrupt people ruining the game today. Dont shoot the messenger.
Gary's da man alright!

twoddlehopper said:
malg said:
Just for all those slagging The Mail, get a grip. It's not their bloody job to sell the 2018 bid, it's their job to sell papers. Look at the profile of that paper since the story broke, I bet their website has had a good few hundred thousand more hits as well, and all that means is increased advertising revenue.

As for Lineker, he is a bandjumping twat. If it's all about integrity, then fuck off and stop writing articles for any newpaper, as they're all as bad as each other. But like I said earlier, the nonce will have a column in another paper by this weekend.

Get a grip? The problem aint the dinamics of why they printed the story its the fact that they did. A world cup is a chance for England to come together as an united country no bullshit arguements about politcs or who supports which team, its England and where English, use to mean something and it use to be something to be proud of. In 2018 we could have shown the world that, but like always the twats of the media, who 99% of the time just print lies, are more intent on having people arguing or panicing over something. For once it would be nice to see the English media get behind the country, insted of just trying to make a cheap buck.
Good God! England gets together every 2 years, for the World Cup or Euro Champs. Also, I think the opportunity arises 6 years before that competition to show the world how well England can host a major event. Get over yourselves. This will not affect the bid. The only thing that will affect it is how much schmoozing goes on beforehand with the people casting the votes. And believe me, there is enough money in the England FA coffers to schmooze a lot of voters. Christ almighty!

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